Reformer Connections<br>Leah Stewart<br>Class 625

Reformer Connections
Leah Stewart
Class 625

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PIlates makes me feel alive. After this class, I am awakened and challenged. The ab series was challenging and revealed an area for me to work on...I will come back to this. Thanks so much for the excellent class, Leah. With PA I have been able to take my own practice and teaching to new levels. Thank you Kristi and PA.
it was a beautiful class!
fantastic!!!! from start to finish.

I am a little teary eyed from all of your wonderful comments!! Pilates is "fabulous", "revitalized", "humbling", "awakening", "challenging", "fun"!!!!

Thank you for letting be creative and try new things - it always fun to explore the work!

Gosh, i felt so open and fluid in my spine after this workout! Had no idea I had such tightness in my hip alighment as I did going in..but afterwards...oh laaaa.. Thank you Leah. As always, you are the best and continue to inspire me in my practice!
Love it!!! Thanks Leah!!!
Beautiful class, awesome teacher. Thanks
Always great to find new ways to use arms with legs. Loved the class.
I am Michiyo who is present in Japan.
Leah,Thank you for the great class.
I like it very much.
I am waiting to come to Japan to pleasure.
enjoyed the class Leah, thank you!!!
would love for you to call out the actual spring changes -
color and all:)
11-20 of 37

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