Reformer Connections<br>Leah Stewart<br>Class 625

Reformer Connections
Leah Stewart
Class 625

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great workout. I appreciate working muscles that I often neglect. Thanks again!
I found your style of teaching and movements invigorating and fun. You are a great teacher and you can tell you love what you do. Thank you for sharing your skills!!!
Leah is the cutest, most dancer-like and so expressive with her standing explanation and demos. Leah girl! So cute, so smart!
Agreed, lovely class, (killer abs!) Will definitely do this one again. Pilates makes me feel stronger, mentally and physically.
Thank you, everybody! I'm so happy that you are enjoying the class - it means the world to me!! Keep enjoying and please keep me posted on your experiences with the movement and even with teaching it.

I'll remember to call the springs more clearly in the future as well.


Love your classes Leah! Great cues and the modifications with the footwork with arm work as well! Big Hugs to You!:)
Very nice class. Enjoyed watching.
Leah great class! I love your energy and enthusiasm!!! Thank you!
Thank you ... This class is challenging and fun! It is also a great stretch. KM
Thank you so much, Ladies!!
21-30 of 37

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