Wunda Chair Variations<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 633

Wunda Chair Variations
Niedra Gabriel
Class 633

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1 person likes this.
Love this! Love the single arm spine stretch forward I felt that was very healing for my shoulder also the ab series at the beginning was tough! The balance work on going up front is a nice challenge and mental focus at the end- very nice! Also that twist with the side plank oblique thing on chair Very deep twist! 
Cheryl Z
1 person likes this.
Just saved as a favorite class very challenged, I to have a lazy side. Also keeping legs together and up felt especially in back of legs, Best stepping up description really enjoyed your class. you inspire me to get my hips up higher will practice until I can with this lighter spring like you used. Loved it thank you!
Cheryl Z
1 person likes this.
Fun and sweaty. Love the archival spine stretch. Thanx
Niedra Gabriel
Cheryl Z Thankyou for revisiting and enjoying this class, I just realized you also commented a year ago.  
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