Quick Mat Flow<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 642

Quick Mat Flow
Kristi Cooper
Class 642

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Julibeth J
This class may have been recorded 4 years ago, but it is by no means dated! Thanks for these quick effective workouts with great cueing. They work so well when I am crunched for time and/or traveling!
Thank you Julibeth. Movement indeed is timeless.
1 person likes this.
having classes with Kristi is always great..than you
Perfect pre-dancing workout. Exactly what I needed today:)
Perfect little micro workout to start the day!
That was great!
Such a perfect little workout for when you don't have much time but still want a little challenge to start the day.
12 minutes and I'm sweaty!
Just couldn't do my 30 minutes today. So I did this and it was perfect.
Nice and speedy!

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