Luscious Wunda Chair<br>Cara Reeser<br>Class 786

Luscious Wunda Chair
Cara Reeser
Class 786

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Annie, I am super glad you threaded the two together and that it worked! You are welcome.
Lucie Bécus
1 person likes this.
I really enjoyed and loved the cues and as well as the explanation of each exercise. It gave me some new perspectives and ideas to work on :) Thank you!
Maggie F
1 person likes this.
Loved this class, queueing fantastic...
1 person likes this.
Loved this workout! Can't wait to teach Chair tomorrow.
Cara, you are such and enthusiastic, encouraging teacher! Always makes me want to be more, do better.
Thank you Cara Reeser and Amy Havens -by far one of my favorite chair workouts- you manage to get so much work in, in 40 minutes!! Love it💜
A great session, always such great cues Cara,  its your cues that I always remember as they explain exactly what's happening in the body in a clear and concise way. Really enjoyed this, Thank you
Wonderful from both parties!!

Just WOW. Cara, you are always a rockstar! Thank you!
Thanks Cara , finally got a chair with my job so can practice practice !!! Very challenging but loved it
Awesome class, thanks Cara!
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