Ladder Barrel Workout<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 864

Ladder Barrel Workout
Niedra Gabriel
Class 864

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Niedra Gabriel
Hi Tiffany, I LOVE that you have a client wanting to do a back bend for her 50th birthday ! Power to you and to her.
I am passionate about the benefits of back bends. The benefit to getting the back to bend fully are incredible. I will be offering a back bending workshop on PA sometime soon - so look out for that, there will be many wonderful tips to opening up the spine.
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oh wow!!! this is amazing! well done Niedra :)
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Loved it Niedra, did everything but cartwheel.. will keep trying x thank you!
Niedra Gabriel
Yay! I am sure you will get there - make sure your hands are flat on the floor an elbows locked so no matter what happens you do not crumble down. If you can find someone to help you once or twice, you will get the " feeling " and then I am sure you will be able to do this by yourself.
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I love it! I am calling you "gumby." Neidra, thank you. That was amazing.
Niedra Gabriel
I Love the nick name Mary - thanks.
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This gives me many more tools for more clients who have tight hips and need more flow! Thank you! I feel so short, often its hard for ke to get my flat palms on the floor for dismount handstand. My barrel does adjust but not enough. Is it safe to try with moonboxes?
Niedra Gabriel
Melissa, I love your enthusiasm.  I would be cautious with teh moon box idea - have soemone there to make sure they are stable, as if you are learning and they move, you know where you may end up... not in a cartwheel...    just have a triple check on stability and someone to help you and I am sure you will fly.
Be aware that if your hands are on moon boxes your feet have to drop an extra 4  inches , so you need to be strategic with all this. Think it through before you go flying off the barrel... once you have everything inspected and checked out Go for it! - 
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Holy wow that last handstand is hard! I love the stretches all throughout this and the flow and pace though I had to hustle to keep up I agree that it has a different quality with some pace to it! 
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