Foam Roller Chest Opening<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 911

Foam Roller Chest Opening
Niedra Gabriel
Class 911

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As is always the case with your classes Niedra I feel so open and light after this session. Your teaching style and exercise adaptations and creativity seem to suit my body perfectly!
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Katie, I am so delighted to read your comment, and know you enjoyed the workout.
Always come back to this class. Love the stretch. Thanks Niedra :)
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you for your comment Donna, I am of course, thrilled to hear that you enjoy the class and appreciate the stretching. Thank you.
this was a great class for me to go back to remember that deep core connection. I loved the added foam roller part it was a great shoulder stretch and I loved using it on the swan to really get a good back bend. I really enjoy the instructor she is really good at direction. I really feel nicely stretched and 2 inches taller.
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Emelye, I love that this work made you feel taller. Good work!
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This is my go to class when I want to open, release and lengthen my body whilst gently challenging the strength and stability. Great, natural, no nonsense teaching and I love it!
Such a nice class. I love your method of teaching. Wish I could take real live classes with you. Thank you.
Niedra Gabriel
Lisette-Anne, thank you for your post, i checked out your page and see that you live in the Nedrelands. As you were interested in taking a live class with me, I come to Europe once a year and am hosting a retreat in Tuscany in September. You can find out about my live activities at
Brilliant, will check it out, thank you.
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