(Edited by Moderator - Alex Parsons
on April 1, 2022)
Louis~ I am sorry that you experienced problems with this video. It played through fine to the end in Auto-Detect for me. I would recommend restarting your computer and watching it in Auto-Detect or Low video quality. If you choose Auto-Detect, you can fast-forward to the spot where it stopped for you without waiting for it to load. If you continue to have problems, please email support@pilatesanytime.com and we will be happy to help.
Great video- offers very detailed info and practical exercises to provide to clients so they can do things at home! Where can I buy one of the Footbars used here?
Muy buenos estos ejercicios y qué poco les gusta a los alumnos, por lo difícil que son. Y hechos sobre el foam roller?. Así los hago yo, son todo un reto. Muchas gracias Kristie por estos magnificos maestros.