So Debbie, what we're going to do with wish small and sweeten group here tonight, we're going to do the ref, not the reform, so we're going to do the math work out the way 3d traditionally supposed to be, which is short and sweet and fast, whether it's beginner, intermediate, or advanced. The real idea was it was about a 20 minute workout that you could roll out of bed and do or be added into as a warmup to what you could do on the equipment next, but it should be complete and total. And we're going to book complete and total tonight, but we're going to add therabands as well. So just standing, holding the band, pulling the band apart, the feel that traction into the shoulders, cross your feet and then bend your knees, deepening into the powerhouse. If you can't kneel down, you can put one foot behind you. That's right. Undo your feet and pull the, the the theraband slightly part and roll down onto your back and then bend the knees and let's get the band around the toes, right? So heels together, toes apart slightly, and lift up into your position for hundreds.
So lift your head and chest up, deepen into the stomach, and without pumping the arms. Just take a breath in. And as you breathe out, really pull the stomach in and really deepen into the sternum. Breathe in
Well I'm Sup Rola and pull down. Arms back and roll up. Now stretch the legs out slightly over the legs. Roll down. Um, back. Relax and over. Roll back, roll down. Nice hip stomach,
Lift your right, like straight up to the ceiling, long straight leg and start the circles. So you're keeping the pelvis quiet. As you do that, reaching the leg long, making sure that the stomach is in reversing the circles, right. One and two and three and four
Press both heels into the floor for a minute. Lift the left leg up. Nice long leg. And again, circle one circle too. So as you're doing the circles, check that the pelvis is quiet. You need to do the circle and reverse it. Circle
Yes, both hands come to the mat and slowly lower the like all the way down to the floor. Arms over your head and roll up. Pop your bottom forward. Hold behind your knees and rolling back and forth. We're rolling.
One more time. Wrote back
Two more times. Every time. Keep pulling
Going as deep as you can. Really opening the shoulder blades, reaching with the arms. Stay down and take a breath in and breathing out. Go deeper and deeper. Press your head way down and then roll back up. Roll back up, roll back, approved. Back Up. Bring your feet in and hold your ankles and lift the feet off the floor. Warm up for open like rocker
Lift and lift both legs together, broadened between the shoulder blades. And here we go. We're gonna roll back
Draw a circle. Enough now long stomach,
Arms together and roll. Roll long legs, long arms all the way down onto your back and roll onto your stomach
Keep the pelvis pressing down and narrow so your sacred shouldn't be walking. Cited. Side kick. Kick down. Kick down, kick down, kick, kick and down. Double like kicks. Lower down your nose, goes to the right. Both hands come behind your back on feet. Come together, bend both knees, kick, kick, kick and stretch on clip, hook, clip and stretch. No, Debbie, keep going. But press your hips to the Mack when you click.
And if you don't let your pelvis come off the mat. Other side, clip the pelvis down. Much better. Yes. So you keep the powerhouse locked. One more time. Kick, kick, kick and lift. And last one, Cook, kick, kick and lift. Hands under your shoulders. Pull your bottom up, stretch up and sit back into child's pose. Nice. Long stretch. Pulling the stomach in. You're dropping your forehead to the mat and then come forward and lie out on your left side.
Four sidekicks, long body. Lift the legs up and bring them forward. Good.
One more time to the front, to the back. Together. Kick up high and down. Kick up high. Kick up high. Kick up high. Kick up high and little circles. Two and three and four and five.
Check that the shoulders are down in the body's as long and reverse it in one and two and three and four and five, seven and a. Take your top leg and bend it in front of you. Flex your inside leg. Lift and lift and lift and lift and lift. And now little circles. Five of them, reverse it. One, two, four, five. Stretch both legs out and Lyft and Lyft and Lyft and Lyft and Lyft
Lift the legs off of the air and little beats. Two four, five, six, seven. Lift a little higher if you can. Five, six, seven lifts as high as you can. Four, seven and eight. Lower down
And they've now keep the lake hip height. Point your foot in your swing to the front. Double pouts back, back. Double Pals back, back. Double pouts back, back, shoulders down, back, back. Double Pulse, back, back one leg on top of the other. Turn your top leg out and kick high and down Ke Kai and down.
Kick high and down. Key Chi. And now kick high and down little circles. One, two, three. Keep the leg nice and long as you do it. Seven, reverse it in one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight. Take your top leg, bend it in front of you on the Mat. That's it. Flex your inside leg lifted and lifted and lifted and lift and lift and lift. Point the [inaudible] circle. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Reverse it. I think we did.
Only five on the first side, but never mind. Six, seven, eight. Lower both legs down. Stretch them out. Nice tight hips. Lift them up and lift them up and lift them up and if them up and lift him up and lift him up. Very good Deb, she lets me
Lift and down and lift and down and lift both legs up. Roll down, arms over your head. Roll up, roll down. Roll Up. Roll down, roll up, bend the knees, wrap the heads inside and clap three times for seal, clap, clap, clap, roll back and roll up. Clap, clap, clap, roll back, roll up, clap, clap, clap, roll back, roll. Go Up. And if you remember how to stand up. Last one, clap, clap, clap, roll back.
I'm not sure if you remember, but standing up and anyway, which way is good? Arms up to the ceiling. Heels together. Long spine, long waist and roll to the floor. Articulating through the spine. Three little circles with the arms. Reverse your circles. Roll back up, stretch the arms up. Lift one more time and roll down. Lift getting the stomach. Just feeding the legs.
Strong little circles with the arms versus circles. Roll back up, grow back up, stretch the arms forward. Lift the arms up long spine and open the arms out and just feel the space around you. Long chest, open chest. So look at that. Nice open shoulders, lifting the stomach, take a breath in and breathe out and just [inaudible]. See we just did everything in about 20 minutes.
And so this was great. And this is just a little thing. It really should be be a spark. It's like the, the mat work can often be used just as an energizer. Just something you use fast, quick makes you feel good and vibrant and energetic and give you energy for the evening to go out and party. So there we go. Thank you.
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