Creative Mat Exploration<br>Cathleen Murakami<br>Class 1223

Creative Mat Exploration
Cathleen Murakami
Class 1223

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Cathleen Murakami
@ Jos, so happy to hear the the modifications offered worked for you...your feedback is so welcomed!
@ Michael, great to know you could relate to the Ashtanga references and also that you felt post routine!
@ Verity, isn't it great how Pilates DOES work when executed appropriately to positively affect back issues? Thank you for letting me know
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Great class loved the variations. Hip circles were great. Thank you. Suzanne RN BSN Pilates Instructor.
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Really LOVED your class! The rythmn and creativity is amazing!
Cathleen Murakami
@ Suzanne.... hip hip hooray on loving the hip circles!
@ Genevieve, so happy to get the lovely feedback, soooo appreciated!
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Thank you Cathleen, I loved the yoga references and the fun flow so different and challenging. You are an inspirational teacher! Loved the kind hearted laughing
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fantastic loved the flow and modifications to all positions thanks!!!
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Not a typical class here on PA, yet sooo enjoyable, creative and sensational! Thank you. I feel stretched & relaxed...
Cathleen Murakami
Ciao Chiara! Mille grazie! I"m so happy you enjoyed something different and appreciate it.
@ Ursula, modifications aren't always easy to come up with so I'm happy that the ones I came up with worked for you!
@Janja, not typical=me...and I'm lucky that PA supports me in my sometimes, off beat approaches. Thank you and isn't it great to feel pliable after a workout?!
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Hello Cathleen, I am not a yoga ish person but really loved it!! It was so challenging for me and you made it fun by your laughter and light teaching style, however it was NOT easy.
Phew I am going to do this over and over again. Top of my fav list. Thanks.
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That was brill, I'm jaded after it!!! great workout. Great fun too.
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