Thank you for this beautiful class Sherri. I especially liked the way you used the Fletcher percussive breath to enliven and enlighten the scarecrow/swan sequence. Any plans to teach your Osteo Course in NorCal? If so, I'll be there!
Great Class Sherri, I also liked your cueing of real clients and as ever, your lovely energy radiating throughout. Looking forward to watching your next instalment on Pilates Anytime!
You taught the bridge articulating thru the spine. I was under the impression that this is a 'no no' for osteo clients. Please explain. Thanks. Great class by the way!
Not sure if I posed my question well. I thought all spinal flex ion was ill advised for osteo clients and was wondering why it's okay with the bridge. Will your osteoporosis course be online? Thanks.
Dear Joel, Excellent questions! Following is a 2 part answer to your question: Keeping the spine healthy through segmental movement is so important. Experts in the field have had such a conundrum with moving the spine enough to keep the joints lubricated and functioning well, while avoiding excessive compression loads that might put the vertebral bodies at risk for fracture. To date, there has been no research on Bridging with articulation and its relationship to compression fractures. The Bone Health Special Interest Group of the American Physical Therapy Association and the Exercise and Rehabilitation Advisory Council of the National Osteoporosis Foundation have met to discuss these very topics in an effort to craft a position statement. These groups consist of the top researchers and clinicians who work in the field of osteoporosis and exercise. See the next post for the continuation of this discussion.
The "expert" opinion on Bridging is to perform the Bridge with as little compression as possible keeping the spine in an axially elongated position as the the pelvis lifts and lowers. Avoid a strong posterior tilt and gluteal squeeze when lifting and lowering and attempt to get each vertebrae to participate equally in the movement. Avoiding end of range movements of rotation and sidebending are also advised. I often teach a Pelvic Clock exercise to introduce gentle rotation in the lumbar spine and Book Openings in sidelying to introduce rotation in the thoracic spine. Until there is research evidence showing the correlation of Bridging and vertebral fractures I will keep teaching an articulated Bridge! It is such an important exercise for spinal health and hip extension! I welcome your questions and more discussion on this very topic!
Thanks Sherri for taking the time to respond. Very helpful. I live in Paris but have relatives in Santa Cruz so hope to make it there someday and also to visit Pilates Anytime in Santa Barbara.