Reformer Workout<br>Amy Taylor Alpers<br>Class 1783

Reformer Workout
Amy Taylor Alpers
Class 1783

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Great class! A very sweaty and variety filled class. Thank you!
Thank you for going over these variations.
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Thank you for another awesome archival class Amy! Some of the variations feel so good and some (side arms) are quite the challenge! Wonderful to review again and again!
Thanks Ladies. :)
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It was so amazing to be with the Awesome Amy Taylor Alpers and my fabulous partner in sweat Amy Havens. This workout rocked and I can't wait to practice it again soon, this time I just watched ;)
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I always enjoy seeing exercises from Romana
Practicing with you today, I believe it is your *courageous teaching* workshop today. :( With you in spirit as I reviewed this archival reformer workout! Always loved this! Every time I practice with you I *hear* and therefore *feel* new things! xo
Can you detail the head stand (25:55 & 27:) please.. Benefits. Or the thoughts behind it, it was stressful to watch as I wasn't expecting it.. But I've done headstand on the floor so can understand why take it to the equipment, just would love to hear about your insight
Way to go ladies!!!
Hi Heidi. That's a big question. Just know that the headstands - especially the backwards one - are advanced exercises for clients and students who are strong, flexible and in control. The Back Headstand is a full expansion of the skills you start developing way back in simple swan on the mat, pull straps and T, etc. Ultimately they are very empowering and strengthening.
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