Alignment and Symmetry Mat<br>Karen Clippinger<br>Class 2793

Alignment and Symmetry Mat
Karen Clippinger
Class 2793

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Karen Clippinger
Thank you all for your wonderful comments. They mean a lot to me. I am so glad that you were able to appreciate the specific muscles and alignment concepts I was trying to target.
Sook Wern Chua: Yes, I tend to rely on visual following so that my cues can focus on alignment spsecifics. However, hopefully if you chose to do the class more, you will not have to watch the screen so much. And I will definitely keep your comments in mind for my next on-line class.
Michele: I hope to see you at a workshop, too!
Everyone: Thanks again!
Best Regards,
1 person likes this.
excellent thankyou....looking forward to more from you!
Karen Clippinger
Thanks so much
1 person likes this.
WOW!! It was SO wonderful to have a Karen mat class again!! You continue to inspire me! Thank you so much for everything!! Miss you!!!
Having you on the site is a personal dream come true Karen. Thank you for making it all that I knew it would be, which is to say, thank you for showing up! xo
Thank you Karen. I really enjoyed the diversity of use you gave to the theraband. Great footwork exercises.
Karen Clippinger
So fun to hear from you. A late congrats on your marriage and hopes that life after CSULB is very good!
Karen Clippinger
Thank you for your kind words :)
I am so glad we were able to finally coordinate this and your team was such a treat to work with. I look forward to many lovely years of continued association with this very impressive site/vision you have developed.
Karen Clippinger
So glad you appreciated the theraband diversity. One of the things I love about its addition is the ability to target additional muscle groups that are hard to challenge with gravity alone.
I absolutely adored this class. Thank you so much for showcasing so many of the basics with such finesse. I was REALLY working but also appreciating your elegant cueing and fresh insights into movements that have gotten a bit rote with me. Several of your variations were a revelation to me and I will do this class again soon!!
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