Cardio Pilates<br>Ed Botha<br>Class 299

Cardio Pilates
Ed Botha
Class 299

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Well said Layla! Thanks!
What an amazing workout!!! It was a Killer.
I didn't make it all the way through it but I can't wait to try it again.
Thank you, Ed!
Really enjoyed the mix. Only part that hurt was going directly from back extensions to squat thrusts. Hurt my lower back and had to stretch it out. Will transition more smoothly next time I do this one. Overall very good and challenging.
I just saw it before I try it. Looks amazing work. Can you incorporate some modifiers for those that cannot do some of the cardio exercises?
Paola Maruca
Ed, can't wait to see you back at PA......:)
I liked the cardio at first but then it got too much for my spine and hip flexors. I did the cardio intermittently with some stretches instead and the class was super yummy.
I feel that starting a class with a rolling like a ball and a squat exercise it's a bit aggressive. What about activating the core, articulate the spine and stretch the calves and achilles tendons right before? Just an idea!
Enjoyed the mix. Would have liked some other options for the squat thrusts and deck squats for those who cannot engage in such exercises. Overall, lots of fun and good workout.
Wow. I stopped about half way through because I could feel my work getting really sloppy, and I felt on the border of throwing up ;) I did love the challenge and I will keep trying when I'm in the mood for something really hard!
Dolly N
31-40 of 102

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