Upper Body Balance<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3053

Upper Body Balance
Amy Havens
Class 3053

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Thank you so much Copycat !! Barb -- I'm so happy that you're here with me in this challenge!! Happy to hear you're enjoying the variety!
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I thought day 5 was excellent- so good to work arms with the shoulder awareness. Thank you Amy (wishing I lived near Santa Barbara beach!!)
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Sweating????? Definitely!!! Super but tough class especially plank to elbow and up. Loved your ideas with handweights
Thank you so much Caroline B ! Sharon -- yes the plank to elbow and up is a tough one, but the more you practice it, the easier it gets!
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Love the chest expansion exercises; felt wonderful :)
Thank you Rebecca
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The arm awareness in the series of 5 exercises is a revelation. The cardio element caught me off guard - fantastic!
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Loved using the bar, Amy! I have a 3 lb and it worked great. Could really feel the distal weight sink into my shoulders and then when you said lats it went even deeper. Class over in a flash!!! Thank you.
:) . Christine Thank you Nancy ! Yes...that little bar isn't heavy, but effective!
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Well, I used hand weights and wow, very challenging!!! I feel great :) thanks!
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