Foot Focused Warm Up<br>Ruth Alpert<br>Class 3117

Foot Focused Warm Up
Ruth Alpert
Class 3117

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Thank you Catherine Gardella - happy it's useful!
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It is just a great tutorial and a class at the same time. I really like the way you play with the positions of the feet. This has become my favoirite video.hello from Prague-) Lucie
Hello back Lucie! Thank you so much!
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I’m recovering from a foot injury and this tutorial is so helpful. Thank you!
Glad it was helpful Violeta . Thanks!
That was such an enjoyable exploration Ruth. Thank you. February is all about my relationship with my feet- this was perfect.
Some very worthwhile “A-ha!” moments here, Ruth, particularly feeling the difference in Roll-up ease and quality depending on the work of the feet during the movement. Thanks from Tokyo! Genevieve x
Gen, I'm so glad you got some new experience from it! Thanks for making my day! PS: I know a really wonderful ballerina who went through the same Alexander Technique teacher training that I did - she's really cool - let me know if you want her contact info. (networking... it's my middle name, lol!)
Forgot to say she's in Tokyo...Shiho Kawaguchi is her name.
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I've been sick this week and am finding gentle workouts that are kind to my body. I'm so glad I found this! I've also been recovering from plantar fasciitis in my left foot and this is just what I needed. Thank you!
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