Staying Creative<br>Carrie Pages<br>Tutorial 3290

Staying Creative
Carrie Pages
Tutorial 3290

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1 person likes this.
Great tutorial, Carrie, thank you so much for sharing your experience ❤️
Well done Carrie. Useful thoughts thank you, Sarahx
1 person likes this.
Thanks for a great tutorial Carrie. Lots of points I resonated with as a fairly new teacher of 2 years, studio owner & mother of 2 young kids.
3 people like this.
That was so good! You hit on so many good points! I don't know what I would do without PilatesAnytime either!
1 person likes this.
Not to sound self-centered here but I felt like you were talking right to me! I agree with Sharon! so many good points ! Thank you so much!
Thanks so much everyone! I'm so glad the tutorial was helpful!
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Carrie thank you so much! This time of year is so busy and it's so easy to feel burnout. Your words are incredibly helpful and SO true! And yes I admit I was feeling frustrated last week when my client's foot just wouldn't stay flexed! This week deep breaths and fun!
Theresa L
I could relate with all you mentioned and you are SO right, Pilates Anytime helps a lot! Thank you for sharing your tips.. I LUV all your classes! (The way you get them into exercises and how to cue specific things)
Great tutorial Carrie, it's so great to hear someone tell it like it is. I have never seen anyone be this candid. Pilates anytime has been a great inspiration to me. My clients moan that I have been watching too many videos when I take them out of their comfort zone,but they love it.

Thank you Carrie for all your advice and tips! I love your smile!
Greetz from Holland.
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