Hip Hinge<br>Jared Kaplan<br>Tutorial 3511

Hip Hinge
Jared Kaplan
Tutorial 3511

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Jared. Wonderful tutorial. Could you tell teachers where to get the half rubber balls. Lesley Powell
Thank you Lesley Powell ! Now you know what I've been scheming up in the corner at Studio 26 all those times ;) I'll check with Jean-Claude West where to get the balls - they were his idea originally.
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Great tutorial, especially for people who also do weight liftingl or power bar classes. I like that 4 pieces of apparatus were used, quIckly and concisely.
Sara M
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Loved it! Not only for my clients but for my own practice!! So great to see you on here!!!!
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Thank you Lynn and Sara! I tried to keep it useful and concise, with open-ended applications so that you can intelligently apply it with multiple uses and users. Enjoy!
This is so great, thank you for sharing, can't wait to try these tutorials out on my clients. :)
You're welcome Missoni Lanza ! Enjoy
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1 person likes this.
Alison Thank you so much!
1-10 of 16

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