Why Transitions Matter<br>Rebekah Rotstein<br>Class 3916

Why Transitions Matter
Rebekah Rotstein
Class 3916

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Eva T
15 people like this.
Hi Rebecca, great class but I was surprised you do roll ups. As I believe you have osteoporosis I thought this is a no go exercise for you. Did this change, is this move now allowed for people with e.g. osteopenia but strong Core and body awareness? 
Pauline C
Lovely transitions!  Thank you! 
Lina S
2 people like this.
I've really enjoyed the teaser. It seemed easier while the abs were still challenged. I've liked the idea to prepare the body to get used to curl up with the use of the mat. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
I loved this!  Thank you
Could I ask the same question about osteoporosis as Eva.I teach Pilates,have osteoporosis and really miss the roll up etc Judith
Could I ask the same question as Eva about osteoporosis.I teach Pilates but have osteoporosis .I really miss flexion. Judith
6 people like this.
What a flow....loved it....esp the side leg series transitions and the spirals...but did I miss the other side for the twisted mermaid/swan?
Paula H
yes, I too would like to know the answer to Eva's question regarding osteoporosis. Thank you
Fantastic class! what a beautiful flow thanks to transitions and breath. Thank you, Rebecca! 
Fantastic class! what a beautiful flow thanks to transitions and breath. Thank you, Rebecca! 

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