Restorative-Style Mat<br>Delia Buckmaster<br>Class 4035

Restorative-Style Mat
Delia Buckmaster
Class 4035

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Erica S
That was so lovely Delia!  Such a balanced class!  Made my body feel energized!  Miss you! 
Brilliant- great class thanks!
Love the clarity and freshness of  some challenging moves
Charlene J
Thanks! Enjoyed!
Good mix of Yoga & Pilates. Great cuing.  A lot so stretchy classes are very easy.. this wasn't .. Yeaaa:) 
Louise T
This was wonderful to do. Superb instruction and feedback on body awareness . Thank you.
Cigdem wow thank you! So glad you enjoyed it! Hannah Adi Cynthia Adriana thank you so much!! Samantha so great to hear! Thank you for detailed feedback and for taking the class. 
Anne-Marie so good to hear that you found in restorative. That was the plan! Thank you! Lynn thank you so much. I can't hear that enough. So happy you enjoyed it. Greta yessss! one of my faves. Thank you! christine lovely! Thank you for taking the class!!
Jennifer thank you os much!!Pamela wow! Thank you! Lina I appreciate hearing that. Thank you! Zsuzsi Rebecca thank you very much! Alison Lloyd perfect! Thank you! 
Luana Mari thank you!! Margie glad you loved it! thank you! Patricia love your feedback! Just what a teacher wants to hear. Thank you so much!
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