Playful and Creative<br>Gia Calhoun<br>Class 4329

Playful and Creative
Gia Calhoun
Class 4329

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Thank you,great
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Another great one. I love these they’re just perfect! Thank you Gia! you are such a good teacher
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Another fun, 30-minute reformer class. My hips feel wonderful. Thanks again, Gia. 
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Another great one! Thank you!
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Fun, creative classes Gia! Thank you!
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That was great 
Ines J
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Super Clase! saludos desde Ciudad de Mexico... Gracias bonita
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These are fantastic - exactly the right length and challenge level and so well taught!
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Perfect flow and great moves that were challenging but felt good. Can't wait to do the whole series, and also love the 30 min length! So convenient, no room for excuses. Thanks Gia!
1 person likes this.
Thank you Gia.  Just what my body needed.  I feel so much better. Can't wait to do the others. Perfect length too.
1-10 of 35

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