Playful and Creative<br>Gia Calhoun<br>Class 4329

Playful and Creative
Gia Calhoun
Class 4329

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Elissa D
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I love your classes, Gia!  I look forward to each new one. Thank you!
Suzanee W
Would it be possible to give options if there is  no box available? Thanks!
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Suzanee W ~ For the exercises I did on the Box, you can do them kneeling directly on the carriage. For the first series, it will test your balance more, but it still will work in the same way. For the Quadruped exercise, you may need to change how you are moving the leg in the strap, depending on how high your Reformer is. You can try a bend and stretch motion instead of a sweeping motion for the first variation of the sequence. Hopefully, this makes sense! Let me know if you have any questions!
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Thank you Gia! You're such an awesome teacher- the turn out version of scooter is great - really enjoying this series so much - thank you again
Aarin H
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Love this routine before bed. Would LOVE more Gia reformer routines!!!
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Good one thanks!
Dawn U
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Loved it, Gia!  Great class.  
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I absolutely love this class!  Thank you!
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Quick and fun! Loved the variations on everything! Will repeat and share with my students. Thank you! 
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I'm so glad you are all enjoying this class! I had a lot of fun with it too!
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