Present Moment Awareness<br>Regina Santos<br>Class 4874

Present Moment Awareness
Regina Santos
Class 4874

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I love this class! It covers a lot of ground in a short time and it’s a good reminder to find the sense of 2 way stretch in each movement.
Regina Santos
Sojohan79 So happy to hear you found it useful! Thank you for your input! 
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Thanks Regina!
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Excellent class--well labeled--concise and descriptive cueing. LOVE it!
Regina Santos
Kristin Z Thanks for giving it a shot! 
Regina Santos
Summer G The pleasure is mine! :) 
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Enjoyed this class. Thank you.
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I enjoyed this class, thanks! for me it was like “level 2 light”… It’s really all subjective - i practice on a BB allegro because that’s what i have access to but prefer STOTT equipment. The springs are different across reformers so when we have to take that into account and make proper adjustments.
Regina Santos
Jodie Thank you for working out with me! 
Regina Santos
Courtney P Thank you- I'm happy you worked out with me - subjectivity is true! My teacher Jay Grimes would agree about the level labels! 
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