Tune In<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 4905

Tune In
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 4905

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Christine S
Was so happy to tune in to a new zesty workout by you Sarah. Will definitely revisit to explore and experiment. Particularly loved the short box exercises and new variations :)
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A beautiful feel wunderful class!!! Thank you very much, dear Sarah!!!
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Hi Sarah! I loved the pulling straps variation, taking out the stress in my lower back helped me feel more the work where I should be filling it. Thank you so much!
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Thanks Sarah, I love all of the detailed cueing!
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What a revelation!! Thank you Sarah for putting so much thought and tenderness into this class, - making time to find the "wiggle", the space.. - how much do I love this! And I found quiet and loud answers in my pelvis, my legs, my back.. - there is work to do, in a good way, and this class will help me, I will come back more than once! 
Taryn D
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Pleasure principled, indeed! Excellent!
Hi Christine S,  I am also so happy you tuned in and enjoyed the experience.  Thanks so much for "playing" Take care and "see" you soon! 
Thank you Barbara L .  I am so very pleased the message was received. YAY! 
Hi Jennifer A ,  Wonderful!  I am always playing with new ways to extend the upper spine without extra tress on the low.  So pleased this variation worked for you.  Take care!!
Hi Summer G!  Thank you!!  take care:) 
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