Tune In<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 4905

Tune In
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 4905

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Hi Silke L,  Beautiful to hear. It is a treat to share ideas but even more exciting when the work is received as it was meant to be.  Thank you so much for sharing and for "playing" with me. Take Care!!
Wonderful news Taryn D !  Thank you so much for playing with me!!
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All I can say is delicious. Loved everything. Thank you!
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I loved the pulling straps variation! This whole workout felt so yummy for my posture. Thanks Sarah!
Danielle A. Hendricks
Love the cues, invitations, variations, and wiggle room! Thank you so much:)
all about the wiggle room Danielle A. Hendricks !
Libby K
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Sarah you are lovely and your classes are too. I so enjoy your creativity, honesty, clear cueing and respect for stretching and taking time.  
Hi Libby K , thank you so much for your kind words.  I am so pleased that you are enjoying  these classes. Take care! 
That was amazing! Thank you! I feel so good. I loved draping over the box to release my lower back. I will definately be using that in my classes. 
Hi Bridget Ericsson!  Thank you for taking the time to write.  I am so very pleased that this class worked for you.  Take care:) 
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