Day 1: Power + Breath<br>Tash Barnard<br>Class 5465

Day 1: Power + Breath
Tash Barnard
Class 5465

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Thank you very much Tash. These were excellent exercises! Some of them were very challenging for me and that is what I am looking for! 😍
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Great class Tash! I really needed those reminders about stability!
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Thanks for a lovely class Tash - your energy is infectious. So important  to be reminded of all the basics..... looking forward to the building on....
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 Body feels great at the end!
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Thanks Tash loved it ! If I Can ask a question: when stretching legs my lower bags lift - should I avoid that by bending my legs a bit? Or leave the back being arched a bit but activate core as much as possible? the same issue when I try to have by arms overhead on the floor…
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Great to see you back on PA all the way from Ballito Bay. Great class, thank you!
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Great class Tash.  Great way to start the new year. Thank you
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Thank you for the class.  Great way to start the new year!
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Thanks Tash - great kick-off class.  Love all your positive encouraging energy. 
1 person likes this.
Fun kick off to the challenge, Tash!  Cant wait to see what's next!
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