Connection Through the Mat<br>Leah Stewart<br>Class 5523

Connection Through the Mat
Leah Stewart
Class 5523

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Carmen D
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This class represented a breakthrough to me. I've been suffering cervical stenosis for a year, with some very painful weeks over the last two months. I was able to move and open my chest and shoulders for the first time in all these weeks through Leah's guidance. I feel grateful for this healing practice. Thank you so much, Leah! 
This is a fantastic class. It opened up so much in my chest and upper back. Wonderful teaching, thank you so much !!
Taghrid K
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Thank you for a most centering and healing class, my whole  body felt lengthened, energized and more spacious and my mind was calmed down by these repetitive simple stretchy movements. Thank you so much for a fabulous feel class
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Thank you Leah, 
For such an honest movement experience. Very helpful and freeing. May movement continue to sooth you and everyone that is ready to see it as a gift,
Meira H
Wonderful class, thak you Leah! 
Hello Leah. Thank you for sharing your grief experience with us. Can I send you love and strength to carry your loss. I loved your class after your beautiful talk. 
Pilates and movement has absolutely saved my life and sanity. My wonderful son died  from a sudden cardiac arrest in November 21. He was vibrant, well, passionate and wonderfully funny and loving. He was just 31.  I am broken but able to function because of movement and Pilates. I teach Pilates to about 80 people every week and cannot imagine my life without it. I practice Pilates every week and without it would be desperately unwell. 
Thank you for encouraging movement so beautifully. You are a Pilates Angel. Pilates Anytime is an Angel platform - thank you. 
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This class was just what I needed after a stressful phone conversation  a few hours earlier.  I opened PA and there was your class that I needed.  Now I am feeling more relaxed and able to sleep tonight.   YES, you are a Pilates Angel just like Boo wrote.          THANK YOU, LEAH
Leah, you truly are the queen of prop-free sequences. Thank you for a freeing and healing class. 
Thank you from Denmark 👍🇩🇰 Wishing you and your children the best forward 🙏
Claudia K
Love this class. Different, nice. Feels good. Thanx
1-10 of 16

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