Class #1826

Wake Up your Body

45 min - Class


Wake up your body in this Mixed Equipment workout with Amy! She uses the Tower and the Spine Corrector to work the entire body and to open up the front of the body. In addition to the many wonderful exercises she teaches, Amy also includes a nice variation to the Rowing Series that we know you'll enjoy!
What You'll Need: Spine Corrector, Tower, Mixed Equipment

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Hey everybody, I'm here to do a, uh, kind of a mixed equipment class. I'm using a wall unit tower mat. We'll do a few things here to get warmed up, some footwork and some reverse tower, uh, some arms springs, some of the rowing series I have. And then I will be using the spine corrector up on the mat, doing some movement there. And uh, coming back, uh, probably back to the springs a little bit, so back and forth. So come on along. I mean, I'm going to start with footwork on one red underneath. I like to start the footwork and do the footwork actually on a little light. Oh, where is it? A little lighter. Spring would be nice if I attached my springs. Okay.

And the reason I like lighter is especially as a warm up and to get moving, um, to feel like there's more ease in waking up my back and my, my legs to my pelvis and things like that. If I'm a little warmer, I can do heavier springs. But here I go with this. So I'm on going to start with heels, parallel level pelvis. So just as you need to and just take a moment to really feel from your pelvis up the line of your legs into your heels. And again, I've said this one before, it's great for you to look up at your feet. You are your client right now, so you get to see how you're standing. And if you're standing with a little twist or rotation in your ankle, now is your time to make an adjustment as much as you can. See if you can relax some of the tension in the toes, but keeps a vital energy in the ankle joint. So let's go with eight repetitions.

I'm going to choose an inhale today to pull a Brendon knees down and then exhale as I start to really anchor the sacrum and extend all the way up. Inhale, exhale. Again, range of motion for me is going to be small. I'd rather stay level and anchored in my pelvis, then go too far and rock off of my base and exhale and just started to feel the energy coming into the back of the legs, back of the hip joint, and three more bend. So recruiting from the back of the legs up into the bar last time from the heels in parallel and pause. So let's just step to the balls of the feet. Metatarsal is same thing.

You can check your alignment, extend the ankle slightly. Hold that as we take the flection bend, I'm in the hips and knees into flection, keeping the ankles steady and stable. Again, just feeling how you're moving and are staying stable in the back. Or if you feel like you're rocking off the back of your sacrum, you may want to minimize movement with the lighter spring. It doesn't anchor a body as much as this light spring, so you get to anchor using your muscles.

Let's go two more here and then we'll take it into a little flex and point of the ankle. Join last one. Inhale and exhale. Let's extend and hold. Okay, so I'm going to have my, I put my hands on my thighs just so that the legs won't kind of hopefully move too much and I want to rock onto the balls of the feet even more to deepen the flection of the ankle and then extend the ankle. Inhale, flex and exhale, extend and flex like you're bringing your toenails towards your knees, toenails to the ceiling. Just a different reference of getting some movement there and up. Four more times. Flex [inaudible] it's important to keep the ribs somewhat relaxed, if not quite relaxed around the front to allow the back of the body to widen into the mat. If you're feeling muscle tension, there's a likelihood that you might want to respond and kind of arch your back away from the stretch. So see what you can do to just allow yourself to relax. Okay, let's do our PyLadies ve halfway up from extension to flection.

I'm going to pause right there and then again, allow the hips, decrease the knees pointing up to my shoulders and then recruiting from the back of the hip joint again up the back of the leg. Inhale and exhale and inhale. So as soon as I start to bring the bar up, I want to think inner thigh connection strong all the way up to my heels. [inaudible] so becomes less about the front of the thighs and a lot more about the inner thigh and the back of the inner thigh relationship. Let's go. Three more arms are long spine, starting to feel a little bit longer as also chest stays wide.

And I'm going to pause right there and then just flip my feet into parallel and lower one. So I'm going to keep my left leg up, right leg all the way long and then stuff with a flex to ankles. So we're going to do a pattern of bending the knee, extending the knee, pointing the ankle, or extending the ankle and flex eight of these. So we have a flex extend leg stays steady as we move the ankle. All the wild dropping into that level. Sacrum and pelvis, resist the urge to pull or tickle the tailbone up. Just let it stay flat. We have four more. Inhale, exhale, flew flow right into that ankle extension.

Three last three movements here and extend. And again, as you're looking up at your foot, you have an opportunity to watch how solid your alignment is or make adjustments as you see the foot deviating. And that was our last one there. So right foot comes up, left leg extends down, one second to check alignment. And here we go. Flex, extend and extend the ankle and flex. I do have some energy in the other leg but not a grip. Want to just feel as though I'm sensing the inner thigh a little bit and extend watching your alignment, hip and knee, hip and knee, ankle for more.

Check your back muscles, see if you can soften them or at least take some of the tension out if you're experiencing that. Two more and Ben last time and bend and straighten and extend and flex. Okay, so come on out from underneath this direction. I'm gonna just use my hands. I'm going to turn around though for reverse tower and I'd like to line to myself up if I'm in the supine position, my knees just under the bar but in front of it, slightly stepping up, balls of feet, pull that bar up. And I want to start this one with a little narrower parallel position and slightly extended ankles, arms by the sides.

So without bending the knees. Let's go ahead and start to articulate from the tailbone that long abdominal wall coming up and underneath the ribs. Once again, you can look at your feet for a moment though. See if you can feel it and then trust that you don't need to look any longer. But now look straight up to the ceiling so there's less of a chin on chest compression and more of a length in around the neck and throat muscles. So then as you start to come down, feel the feet holding the bar, hamstrings working, but feel for the movement of your back and your spine.

Ankle flection there as a transition or you could absolutely breast with that and transition. Okay, inhale, exhale and roll the spine up. Breathe in laterally posteriorly. In the inhale here, and exhale coming down. Again, I want you to feel the movement, maybe less grip in the abs today. Just a little more movement of the back. Feel your pelvis settle. We're going to more of these syncing that very nice long openness across your hips all the way through your back. Flex the ankles, and one more timeless. Breathe in, peeling up or rolling across the back.

Nice strong legs holding you there. And Deep Brin Hill and again feeling for the role of the spine. Pubic bone pulled upward just a tiny bit. And then let's go ahead and flex the ankles. Bend your knees, take one foot down to the mat, then lower the bar with the other foot. The strap will catch that. And then let's go ahead and come up and take that spring away.

You can lower your safety chain off or just rest. And here's a chance to put your spine corrector up on the map. So I'm going to set mine up with the step facing the end where the foot strap is about halfway out from the front to the back. And we're going to start sitting right in the crevice and just take a moment, center the feet and you're in parallel. Hands behind your knees and you'll pull yourself up nice and tall and open things up. So we'll breathe here.

And then on the exhale we're starting to deepen into the abdominal. So I'm gonna allow my, my cervical spine and my lumbar spine along with thoracic just to get an easy seeker. Nepal is there, release their arms and start to see where I can roll back to in this first roll back. Just check it out. I've said this before, you may not go very far and that's okay. I'm okay with my head doing that little extra hanging and just come back up. Okay. Let's just do three or four of these easy and just letting my arms kind of do their own thing. I want to focus on my spine first and rolling through. So low back, articulating through the thoracic, I'm starting to feel things opening up. Usually on the third or fourth one, couple more hands down.

And again, if your arms and shoulders aren't ready for something like that, you can actually just stop halfway down. Or even when you get to the, I'll show you one sometimes. This is how I have to do it too is I just have to go to here depending on how my neck and shoulders feel and then rolling up. Okay, so we're going to add onto that with a lot of rolling back and forth over the back. But for right now I want you to take your arms behind you with your poems facing forward. So I'm just extending my arms behind sitting nice and tall up in the seat and just feel like you're trying to spoke your fingers back and slightly down on an angle and then rotate the arm bones in and arm bones out, whatever breath. But like if there were some door handles right there and you're turning the door handle so there's a region back and down as you rotate and let's do that motion and start to move the arms kind of through a t position.

And up here. Now I'm just turning in the light bulbs in the ceiling. I'm going to go back down and down. I'm rotating the arm bones and I'm thinking humorous, elbow, forearm, even my wrist and fingers. I'm going to do that again all the way up. So what I'm feeling now is some, uh, wake up in my back muscles around Serratus lats. If you want to think muscles small the through the back.

So as the arms come from this 90 degree level going behind, I want to reach a little bit further back now and start to circle the arms from there up and down, a little bit more flow. And I'm going to just say this for all of us for um, it's OK if your ribs open up a little bit. Don't lock them down all the time. Right now I don't, I want to feel some space in my upper Vani and some openness. So if my ribs flare forward or open, I'm okay with it. I want to feel like I'm stretching. I'm gonna to go the other way.

No. If I were doing bigger loaded exercises, I would want to check that a little bit, but I'm right now I'm trying to open the line from my sternum to my shoulder and my arm. Couple more circles. Okay, so we're going rolling backward, adding small bleak rotation. I'll face you first. So I'm rolling back. I'm going to accentuate going on the left side of my spine a little bit more and there's that arm reach and coming up on the left side and then center. And now the right sites, we'll go eight times, which will be for each direction. You can take one long inhale as you extend and exhale if it works for you to follow your hand with your eyes.

It is a kind of a really nice relationship of the head as it moves along with the back. Somewhat of a natural way to get your neck muscles getting some exercise without having to really do a whole lot. Okay, one more. Each direction they breath. And again, just feeling for the movement of your back, opening your chest and your shoulder and then rest. Okay. So let's reorganize the feet, pressing the soles of the feet together and kind of have a pretty firm press of that, which might give you some sensation in your inner thighs or hips. And I want you to use that press, reach your arms forward, and then let's roll back again a little slower.

And this time the neck won't be supported. So for those of you who know me and or I've known before summer, but one hand behind your head, okay, once you to support, I'll show it from that side. It's okay to do this with one hand to support your neck so you can work the relationship of shoulder girdle into the trunk. And when you're strong enough, you let go for a little bit and you come back to it or you switch arms. All right? It's not okay to let your head be hanging there this way and think that you're making progress. It really not going to be, you could probably, it'll take a while to get through it. So we'll use one hand instead. Okay, I'll take my arms open here. So we're going to take a breath in, big expansion, and then as we close the arms, I'm also going to close my legs. Inhale, open the arms, open the legs, and exhale.

So what I'm thinking about doing now, of course, big stretch in my chest, using the neck to stabilize the head. Hip joints are moving. I'm also trying to press the feet together, but more importantly than anything is extending my lumbar spine into this crevasse. So I am arching the lumbar spine quite a bit. All right, two more times. Rest if you need to. And then exhale over to keep the knees closed. I'm going to have you curl yourself forward with us. Come all the way up and we'll just do it one more time with four of those open closes and we can roll back in diamond arms.

We'll come up to the ceiling. Inhale as we open. Here we go. The closing inhale as you open. So the closing is you pulling your legs in, but it's femurs into sockets. This one's good. So as work there, it's like a little suctioning of the femurs back into those sockets. I could actually almost lift my legs up from there. We're going to close and then curl all the way up and sitting tall. Okay. I'm going to face you now for a little bit of lateral work.

So I'll turn and you can have your leg. If you're on the mat, your foot will be on the floor. Mine's just going to be dangling off. I think that's going to be fine. So let's just start with the stretch first and open up. Take your hand on to right top wrist. Just give a little extra stretch. Let me feel that through your rib cage. Okay.

And then this hand will go alongside your hip or nearby other hand is behind the head. Eight little contractions using the sideways but also the underneath side and they're little. We can exhaling up and use the barrel. I want you to press into it to curl up, press into it to come over and three. And so, not a, none of uh, difficult choreographic exercise, but very deep and isolated in those abdominals right along the side. You may feel it in your back. It's okay there, muscles there.

And three and two last time and we're going back over. Okay. So then take your bottom hand out. Slide it in toward the corrector. Uh, I might've gone too far. Yep. About there. So what it is for me, my upper arm is not resting on the barrel edge, but I'm pretty close. But I do want your underneath shoulder girdle and blade to be setting a positioning into the back. Not yanking down, but just you're not resting, I guess is my point. So let's take our leg up and leg down.

So feeling this lateral part, Mina nego is a mourn your obliques. Now when your hip three, we'll do eight of these and four, certainly rest your neck if you need two and five. So that might be something that you just take that hand and hold your head and lower it down. And seven and last one, I want you to keep your leg up and take this outside hand behind your head. Okay? Time to move the leg front and back.

But we're going to add a little torso rotation. So as I take my leg forward, I'm gonna open up my chest toward the sky a little bit. I don't want to roll off the corrector, but I do want to feel some stretch across this line again. And then as they sweep my leg behind, I'm rotating toward the corrector. Let's go eight so we can exhale forward. Ah, now you may be wondering what I'm doing on my underneath side.

I have a settled my weight down onto the corrector a little bit, but I'm definitely not resting on myself. So there's still a little readiness that I'm slightly pulled up as if I were doing this kneeling in the mat class maybe and front and back, keeping that leg up. If we can to more flex front in the hip and extend last one and flex the hip forward and leg behind and just hold, I'm going to have you reach that top arm on this diagonal. It's on a diagonal from your back leg. Just take a one more big inhale, exhale, and then bring everything in. Okay, so or reorganize your legs. I'm going to have you tuck your knees together. Scoot back a little bit toward the back edge of your corrector and now definitely pull that hand into your barrel side bend.

We haven't done a lot to warm up the shoulders for bearing weight, but let's see how we do. So I'm going to push into my feet, lift the hips out of the barrel and try to stretch over at and bend. So I'm trying to get that nice thoracic sidemen here and then coming down three times only. And if, if this is too much on you right away, you can just watch it and think about it or prepare for it. Sometimes preparing for it is getting this setup and then thinking about moving into it. Okay, so there's that nice side bend and let's come on down. I'll sweep around if re face the other way and starting first with a nice, uh, leaning over the edge and stretch the arm. So wrist, hand on the wrist, getting a good sense of stretch through the rib cage. And then the arm comes out by the hip, other hand behind the head, eight lifts, exhale and they're tiny. Head back into the hand.

[inaudible] also thinking about the bottom underneath side, the one that's on the barrel. Now lifting out toward this elbow to ensure that I don't come up and compress myself too short on this waist. Technically both sides are long for and three and to and last one and rest. Okay, hand on the Mat. This hand can come on the hip and let's raise the thigh lower. I'm in parallel with the leg. This a hand that's near the barrel. Again, it's my upper arm, close to the barrel button, not resting, trying to get some work.

Very isolated on the side of the hip and last to seven and last one and eight bringing it down in line with your hip, hand behind your head. And now we're rotating torso face up. As the leg comes forward. It feels really nice to get the diagonal twist and then reverse that leg sweeps behind. As the torso comes forward, we can exhale front, inhale forward. So once again, I'm not really resting on the corrector, I'm trying to just be light with my right rib cage here on it. Working from hip glutes, three more to go. Exhale, and front and back and front and back. Last one and front and back. We'll keep it there.

Reach the arm on the head diagonals. If you can extend your leg back a little further and longer. One more full breath cycle and fold the knees in. Okay. Signing this mat hand closer. You're about to bear weight on that. Hips need to shift back and almost stacking those knees there together.

Okay, so you're going to push onto the feet. Arm comes up and over leaning onto that downward hand, but I'm trying to, instead of so much of the hips, I'm trying to think of lifting my underarm in an upper away from the barrel as this arm comes over, so little more of the thoracic side bend. Then lumbar, if you can see that in there. It's a place I'm working on getting more mobility, so hopefully you can see some of my hard work and last one up and over. Cool. Cool.

And last. Okay, so I'm going to go over the corrector again from here or haven't gone yet, but I'm going over in. I think I should. I'll leave that there. It's going to look like a funky thing. Okay. So I like to put my hands inside here and give myself a gentle pull. I do want to have the my body over the correct or not that I could kind of pick up my head and turn my neck easily. And, but at the same time feel as though I'm trying to um, kind of emboss myself into the barrel. I'm going to show you the difference, the whatnot.

Another structure is really letting the back arch here not fantastic. So we want longer back muscles and maybe a little more work in the front body. So if I shorten my front muscles, my abdominals contract them and in my back, that's the position. So some of us might feel that line of stretch right through to the quadriceps. Some of us even to the knees. That's okay. Okay.

If you want more work, try this. Bring your feet closer together without changing how your embossed on your barrel. So if that change has lifted you, you're not quite ready for that and it's fine, you'll get there. Okay? So just kind of work with what you can do. Keeping this organized. Now I'm going to have my right lay come forward. I'm just going to do five up and down.

Flexing the foot feels good for me today as I come over so I can feel that long hamstring stretch and appoint as I come forward. Ah, the other leg is pressing into the corrector slightly, especially through my heel so that my hamstrings and glutes on this leg are active. Last too. I've seen this before with me cause I really do believe in it. As you take this leg down and put it on the barrel, pause for a moment, see if you can get both heels to press in and almost unweight your seat by using your back side, not by again losing the embossed ribs. So it's really trying to isolate the work and pick up yourself from here.

Okay. Keep a little bit of the work if not a lot of it on the other leg. And let's take this one up and out. So we'll flex the heel. Here we go. Stretching forward long and flex to come over. So in regular math class, we know this of course is the shoulder bridge. This is the shoulder bridge here, the barrel really helping US support lumbar strengthening and length.

Let's go one more long and foot and let's step on the barrel. Okay, so we'll recheck in there. Can we can track the glutes and almost unweight the seat without losing the emboss ribs and hold, hold and hold and release and once again, and press two and three and release. Okay. One knee in the other knee and it's time for a little rollover guy. So taking the legs up as we exhale, I'm gonna pick my spine up from my tail.

I'm going to roll overhead. It's okay. I have m space between my wall unit frame here now because I know that frame is there, I'm going to use it open and flex and just feel the edges of the frame as they roll toward. That's the push the bar. As I roll down to the barrel, I want to start to reach my sacrum longer out over it. Use those lumbar extensors and circle the legs around. Not too low. We don't want to hang in the low back parallel. Let's lift and rollover [inaudible] open.

You can go wider if you're not near a frame and then start to come down. You'll feel the barrel. Start to open your legs a bit wider and extend long and through. One more time, legs to 90 exhale, curl up and over. Let your back leave the corrector, flex the ankles open and begin your circle back. Comes to the barrel stretch and away. I'm not going to reverse it.

You absolutely could for space reasons. I'm not going to reverse that right now. Okay. I'm going to bend my knees and just slide the barrel forward and just rest for a moment. Okay, so we've just slid off our barrel. Let's go ahead and come on up and we may get to that and I'm sure we will some more in a roll. It just like this. I have a pretty good idea of where it's going to need to go when I come back on.

Okay, let's do some rowing, some more arm work safety in the wall unit, and I've got my long yellow springs and they're on the lowest. I bolt from the bottom or the first one from the bottom. So getting a nice sense of organization in your chest, shoulders, legs are affirmed together, seat is active. We just did all that to kind of warm up and collect ourselves. So let's breathe right now and we're going to exhale, lied about that and roll yourself back onto your sacrum.

So let's take our arms out to a tee position. Okay, that takes a lot of strength. So I want to do a variation today as I come forward. Instead of rounding, I'm going to start to flip my arms first and press the arms back and articulate into an upper back and back extension. If I can try and get some of those thoracic bones, those joints to move more. Okay? Now here I am. I want everybody to pause. Are you on your sitting bones or could you pull back onto them a little bit deeper and you'll probably feel your stomach. Keep yourself there. Lift your arms up high, lift your stomach up into your rib cage and roll yourself up.

Let's go. So we're rolling back, holding that c curve all the way out. Internally, rotate the upper arms, start to press them back, get onto your sitz bones. Lift up out of that Lumbar, pull those springs back and articulate. It's like a big undulating spine. Now I want you to pause. Reach your arms back. Sit on this. It's bones. Feel the catch in the ABS. Lift. Lift more and roll back up.

One more like that and we roll. And so I want to feel a little more flow. Pull and oh over my legs. I'm still off my sits bones. It go back and lift and round.

Okay. Right angles with the arms as hinge, back and forth. Just three times. Go as far as you'd like, strong as you come up. So keep that trunk in one design and just hinge and hinge. Last one. Then we'll be coming around to face the front for some rowing friend. Okay. Maybe to back up a little bit toward your frame and let's just do maybe one or two here. So hands from the hips, sitting tall, bending down.

So once again on those sits bones rather than in front of them. All right around stretch your arms long. Let's roll up. Just keeping the arms shoulder level, reaching out into this space in front of you. Let the arms lift, support your spine with your back muscles and open out. I'm going to reverse my thumbs and curl down. Yeah, leaving your body right on top of your sits bones there and roll back up.

Arms, shoulder level. Then we have some place to reach into from the back muscles through the abdominals. Now support your spine with the back and the stomach muscles. One last time as we curl forward, reach, articulate through pause. Reach into the space in front of you because it's support your back.

Support your spine and all the way around. Okay, let's do a little cross. They get sit, salute. Hands in front fingertips together. Pressing your knees down. Just three extensions. One. So these springs want to pull my knees up. I've got to do what I can to press my knees down and the stomach will help.

So I'm going to change my legs for hug a tree. Three times. Same thing. Knees press down, stomach pulls in. Feel a nice wide chest and wide back and last one and open. Okay, that's enough there. Let's go ahead and put those down. Lying on our back though, we'll pick up our purple springs for legs.

Do a little bit more leg work. So stepping in and I'm an advocate on, I like to have my arms, uh, fairly straight so I'm okay, but I want to go a little bit more onto my mat so that I could really feel some opposition of pushing my arms back into the frame while I'm reaching my legs for a lot of length going on there. Okay. Starting in frog, feeling the sits bones open. Let's take an inhale. As we stretch, pull the legs in five times and push as soon as the legs start to extend again, it's the inner thighs working, pulling together in and together. Hold as five times. We're going to open, close and have us flex as we squeeze legs on the same line and three and accentuating the return five and in parallel and little flutters in space. Just as we're here, unlocking the knees, press into the hands on the frame and now begin to walk the legs toward the frame. So basically they're walking backward. And now walk forward away from the frame and toward the frame and away from the frame toward the frame, away from the frame. One more set and away. And pause. All right, let's externally rotate the legs, diamond position. So the soles of the feet together, hips and knees open. Now I'm feeling myself, uh, I'm gonna just let you watch it. If you can see it well enough, my pelvis is a little bit tense, my sacrum is not quite anchor and I want to lay that down and I didn't lose my back when I did that. Meaning I didn't go into too much arch there. So try that.

If you're gripping into your, your pelvis, just see if you can isolate and set your sacrum down. Probably will feel better in your legs. Okay, so diamonds, we're moving the diamond down and diamond as high as you can with that sacrum where you just put it and down and left. Let's go eight of these and, and don't worry if that sacrum is moving a little bit and up and down where we're all practicing, how to keep a stable and organized. Last two and last one. So this is a diamond kind of with both legs together. Let's move one. So I'm going to take one up, keep the other one down and then move them back and forth.

Switching positions and exhale. So it's definitely hip joint if you want to think muscles you can think in her thighs and hamstrings, but I think we'll probably feel it. One thing to note is that trying definitely to keep the pelvis relatively still and not shifting side to side at all. And let's go a little faster just for eight. So one and two back of the thigh, back of the thigh and five and six and seven and eight and legs together.

I'm going into small leg circles in from parallel to start and then up open just five each way. And I'm trying to somewhat keep my in line with my frame here. The whip [inaudible] and if you work on smaller circles you'll feel more of the muscle work I believe rather than the stretch one last time and other way for five. And I'm also keeping them to somewhat smallish. I don't want to come so high up to the frame that I lose this the spring stretch four and five and yest okay. But step out of the straps and just move those back and just give my knees a little hug and I'm gonna bring my corrector back up on the mat. And as you saw me scooted away earlier, I'm going to do my best to hopefully put it relatively where it was. Okay, so some back extension.

We're kind of working through the body and get yourself right on top. Hips up on top. My kneecaps are on that side of the barrel and just stretch out. Take a couple breaths into your back. I'm going to keep my legs parallel. Tucked under the balls of the feet.

I'm going to do a little easy upper back, extension and down and I'm not really liking where I'm at. I'm going to scoot back a little. Okay. And see focusing mainly upper back and trying to keep the pelvis in somewhat of a posterior tilted position to more there. [inaudible] and extend down and last one and an inhale. Breathing in and lower. Okay, so coming more onto the barrel. Sorry everybody, I need to move this back. The girl needs room. Okay. Just the next piece. So I need my hand. I need a room there so I don't want to hit that. Pushed your bar. Hips are up on top and I want you to dive down.

I'm on my forearms. I forehead getting pretty close to the mat. Let's go with a little bit of rocking here. So just little, you're not a lot of range, but I want us to move into the grasshopper. Okay. So hold yourself here. Bend your knees, think heels to the bum and just hold that for a second. Yes, this is back extension. A lot of it in the lower backs. I warned you up at the beginning for it. We've done some leg springs. Your hamstrings should be charged and ready to go.

There are three to four claps. We inhale, bend the elbows and knees, feet to the ceiling and open the legs. And one, two and three in Oh swan dive legs up and open. One, two and three. Two more. Let it rock. Think up and out and one, two and three and lift up and out and one and two and three coming back. Rest pose. You can put your knees on either side of your barrel. Wow.

Couple deep breaths. [inaudible] the last little thing I'm going to do is then come back into the barrel and sit in the crevice. And yes, it's more abdominal work, but it's also just some good flow. And when I roll myself back, I'm in a diamond position and as I'm going around and uh, work the obliques, it's somewhat of a side bend in a contraction coming up, some rolling back over my shoulder blades coming up in a side bend and a little rotation back. And what's your arms? Feel free. I'm going to start lifting a leg now and kind of that diamond attitude position we did in the leg springs. Okay.

Couple more. And then there's lot one last quote exercise to do here. Reach over lift and last one. So I'm doing one more over the top. Feeling those hip extension hip extensors, working back of leg to open hip joints.

Rolling over head one more time. So bringing a leg up then a leg up. It's okay. I know the wall of of tower bars there. I'm going to Tuck my toes. Oh good. I'm on the Mat. That's what I was hoping for that my feet landed. Now I know the push through bars there. So I'm just going to bend the knee and move my foot up to the ceiling.

Feel free to do it with a straight leg if you'd like to. And so controlled balance everybody. It is fine to keep your hands in the barrel handles to do this. What's not fine? Don't look at me by the way. Try to follow what I'm saying. Cause if you turn your head and look at me, your neck might not be happy.

So just listen. Um, it's not okay to push your neck into pain. So I'm on my shoulders, not my neck. My neck is being stretched. It's a structure that's being stretched. Now, if you're okay right now, you can take your hands away from the handles and just let go. Or you can take your hands away and reach all the way back and hold that foot, which looks a little bit more Matt like Matt Class. All right, so the leg that's still up in the air should not be dead like a dead fish. Use your hamstrings, use your glutes. But how about your spine?

Grow your spine like a telescope and go up following the line of that leg. The other foot is anchored onto the mat and just breathe spine and spine. Okay? So we need to get out of that one. Put your hands in the CR, uh, edges. If they were on your foot, bring the top leg down, stand on the ball of that foot, left leg goes up. Or if he did it first, that's fine. And it's up parallel. And this may be where you are, which is fantastic work. So don't worry, it's a lot. The barrel is there to support your back so you can use it.

Push your back into it and Lincoln up. So I'm thinking of my spine following my top foot. Okay, so if you want to do what you did on the first side, I went ahead and let go. So I'm going to do that some the same [inaudible] I don't want to overextend my hip. Vertical is plenty, but I do want to ask more of my back muscles and my abdominals and my mind. Okay, that's enough. Go ahead and secure your hands. Bring the top leg down.

We will finish by scooting the barrel out from underneath us and I'm going to finish with my legs draped over it. Everybody. Okay. So I would appreciate if you gave yourself that time as well and just unfold your legs and just kind of notice where, what you feel like. Try not to contract anything right now. So a little mixed workout. Oh, next time we'll probably use the tower a little bit more, but that's all right. All right, so I'll see you next time.

I'm gonna stay here for a few more minutes. Thank you. [inaudible].


1 person likes this.
Beautiful Class!!! Thank you!!
2 people like this.
Thanks for your generous and humble cueing, Amy. I like the way you describe what you're feeling in your own body and what you're trying to achieve, and how easily you admit your mini "failures".
Amy Thank you for another great class!
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Great class! If you saw me at the beginning , you'd wince because I have the BB springboard and a couple of years ago my hubby installed a push thru bar. Since I'm so short, I have to lie on a foam roller in order to do the foot work and keep a level pelvis. It works and feels great on my back especially when doing the bridge. It can be a bit precarious but I'm telling you, my back feels great afterwards. Thank you again for another great class Amy:)
Yes...I'm always in process too. I"m still a client and know that I always will be! Thanks for all your wonderful comments!!
Thank you Amy, I love alll your classes!
Thank you Nathalia!
Thank you Amy-what a wonderful and creative class!
Thank you so much Patti.!
Very nice class. I really enjoyed it!
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