Class #3508

Advanced Tower Variations

30 min - Class


You will build strength throughout your whole body with this Tower workout by Michael King and Malcolm Muirhead. They team-teach a class, using creative variations and cues to help you achieve a good quality of movement while going through these challenge exercises. They also remind you to think about your breath while working so that you can keep a continuous flow throughout the class.
What You'll Need: Tower

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Hi, I'm Michael King and this is Malcolm your head. And we're joined today with Meredith and we're going to be doing a tower workout now. Today we're going to be using the push through bar and also the roll down bar and some long yellow springs. And personally my favorite, the long purple when we come to actually the flat bench. But of course springs are your colors. You know, sometimes we use springs that don't want to challenge you too much. We can change the position a little bit. But as we go through the exercises, always, always remember the most important is the quality of movement that you're doing and also that you're breathing. So Meredith, you can come join us.

We're going to start, first of all, if you hold the push through bar and we're gonna start with little preparation for the spine. So from here I want you to just bend the knees and flex back and pull against there. Now connect the center, take a breath in, and then slowly come back. Stack the spine up. And now do that again. But five times each time you push back. Be Aware of trying to go where you hold that tension, the spine, and then come back up. So if your lumbar spine is a little bit tight, think about the pelvis a little bit more. Keep the waist open, take a breath in, and as you breathe out, come back one more time. Breathing in, breathing out till the pelvis lengthen. And then this time come out.

Now the next time you go back, I want you to take your arm out of the sight and reach behind you. So reach one arm behind. Now lengthen that arm stretch. He'll open the chest and connect the center and control that rib cage. Bring the arm back in, take hold a bar, come back up and let's reverse and face the other way. So breathing in as you reach back, stretch the arm, lengthen, open that chest stretch, stretch, stretch.

Come back and lift and then slowly roll back. Just one ball of those on each side. This time as you go down, tilt the pelvis and reach down diagonally to the floor a little bit more. Take a breath in and breathing out. Stretch, lengthen. And then come back and a roll up. Come to standing and the last time, breathing in and breathing out. Reach. Open the chairs, drop the shoulders, lift the chest a little bit more.

Take a breath in as you come back with the Oud and rolling up and standing. And one more little preparation with the spine you're going to roll down and push through. Push through Barth, through lengthen. Now here, let me move those other way. They hit 11 now. Any problems or tension in your lower back or we soften the knees when you're doing this and then slowly tilt the pelvis roll back as you come up, lift the bar up and we're gonna diagonally push forward length and out and reaching. And again come back. Let's repeat that then the knees flex curve and push the push through Var. Now I'm not using springs on the push blue bar cause I want to make sure that it's on this preparation section that you're not creating tension with the upper body. Think about the scapula dropping down, bend the elbows and push the bar and diagonally reach forward here.

Push the heels into the floor. Take a breath in. And one less time. Let's repeat that. So really nicely lens in that spine and got the spine ready for the workout we're going to be doing today. Take a breath in. Long neck, shoulders down, round. Come back with the EAD pushing up and fun. Watch that ribcage. Keep the center connected. Push the heels down and are slowly come back.

Then the knees draw up the push through bar down and release and let go. And I'm going to let Mr Muirhead take over. So what we're going to work on is a squat. So we're going to move into putting strength around your spine and those leg muscles and chances, knee joints and things. So what I would like to do is show you the first one to make sure we get their feeling of the balance.

Cause I want you to find the point where the tension is conscious here. Yes. So you're not just too relaxed, otherwise you're going to hit the floor with a thud, right? I'll be close to you for that one. But feeling the shoulders up, Jordan, the shoulders down, the chest open and the hands up and your goal is to ticket down. Know how far you go. We can play with that but we're looking to try and touch the floor and when you come back up you see the connection there through the center and come back up through. We're going to try and do maybe three or four of those.

Finding your range. Okay, so always when you're going to do something like this, start small. Don't be in a rush to do the big version first. And here when you first standing, just release those knees cause they're going to be banding anyway. Stabilize, open the chest. And when we talk about the ribs, not fleeting. What it means is keep the back from overextending. So you feel volume here and here as well. Don't want to collapse it in place.

Ready off you go sliding it down. So you're sliding down the wall at the end of the wall. I want you to think of just talking the tailbone under and try and take the bottom that little bit to the floor. And this is where you're going to keep the shoulders down. Chest open, uses, enter breath. We often forget and come back up. I'm just talking downs in and take them down by your sides in a little pool.

Little side pool released that again, just bring the shoulders open again. Arms up and slide down that wall. Always think about how your joints are aligning so you think you your knees, if they're just stressing you out almost afar. If you keep them from rolling in right, you can work in the leg muscles. Well, you've got to use your breath as your moment to listen. See if you're ready for another one. We'll go for it.

And here's who the focus is. Center breath, same time. Good. This time, just had the final here. Raise as you do your arm pool, not too big a movement and then we're gonna try a single leg. Yup. For what we're going to do today is we're going to try going down with a single leg. Find where your leg say enough, your strength says enough, and then we can put the leg down. Okay, so standing nice and tall. Setup retention and the leg just comes forward. Okay. Set up your balance as much as you can. Take it down. I'll sit close to you here. You're going.

Lake comes in when you need it. An incentive back up. You could follow all the way down to the floor if you wish as well. We'll do the other leg. So she thinks the other leg be prepared. Legs are very individuals. So the side might feel different. Yes, there's a better or worse site for you.

The worst site, right? So come back up with the center. So don't, what's so far down when we do that side and now that say just one more. Each site don't go so far down for me. You should never be fighting the movement. You've got to be thinking that you're in charge. It's not the equipment that's in charge. So if that happens, you stop much better. So you picked a range of movement.

If you fighting the muscles that were using tension rather than strength, you want good stability to happen and then you haven't needed me at all. So Michael's gonna move on to the next one for you. Thank you for that. Yes. We're going to go now into the side bend. We've now moved onto the side bend when we come to the end of the tower.

So we're going to start parallel and what we're going to do is we're going to take one arm out to the slide. As you reach up, bend the knees and push the other arm across the body. Now this lower arm is pushing out and then come back to standing position. Take a breath in and let's try to side bend to the other side length and I'm pushing out, reaching over and then coming out. And then the next one really make it lateral. So lift the arm up and read directly to the side. A fun last it that good, that's gorgeous. Then come back up with the n a B, the out lateral to the side, reaching out and then coming back out.

Now if you can continue this with the leg straight, then take the leg straight as you go over and do that diagonal sweet forward. So that's it. Lengthen, pushing the arm down over to the side that has it diagonal. Reach forward, coming back from lifting up. Take a breath in and breathe out. Now here the shoulders are dropping down. Control those ribs and do the other side. Let's set our control. The ribs. Lengthen. Diagno reach forward. Coming up.

Lengthen and coming out. Now turn the feet now and let's take it into our plot is v. Oh, I liked like the description I heard about this recently, which is just take two slices of pizza so it's not half the pizza, it's just two slices of pizza. One each side. We're holding that, but here we're going to lift the heels lightly. Now keep your heels together and we're going to keep the sentence switched on and let's try that same thing again. So length over to the side, reaching, keep in the heels, wrap the legs around, pushing up, take a breath in and breathing out and reaching over to the other side, hanging onto the ribs, pushing that lower arm. Can we get up one more each side, pushing out heels together. Wrap the legs inside. Thighs kissing together. One more with the ill and breathing out of the side, inside sides, pulling together. Watch the center or the ribs. Come back this time, come back, lower the heels down that come to Paolo and let's take it forward to wash woman, reaching the arms forward and pushing forward and lengthen out and bring the arms back. Now who did he fix the spine called that track. That's a good, and now push the answer forward and down and push back. And again, breathing in and again, pushing out, breathing, long spy and pushing down. Just two more ties. Take a breath in. Have pushing forward.

Are the arms lengthen? Maybe a little dance going on here. Finding the right position. Bring the Elvis back. Oh, and is still dancing. One more time. Pushing forward. Lengthen. Use the center. Push with the arms down and lift up and slowly come back to standing position and release the arms down. Good. Great. Meredith, we will move on. If you can go round and go ahead and sit on the bench and Malcolm's going to take over.

We're going to move on to do the scissors movements, but we're going to do it with an elevated body. So what I'd like to do is lay down head towards the bars. I'm going to give you the foot straps. You need to take your hands to the posts here. Now when we're working with this movement, what I want you to think about that hands are not grasping the bar with tension.

They're going to give you some stability. We're going to hope that the chain to support we hope will come from these. So we're working on a stronger spring. You can change the position depending on your body length. You can use lighter springs if you particular long, but you've got to find a balance between the springs in your body.

And this is where I think we're okay. You can shuffle a little bit further up I think. Yeah, I think so. These are quite strong springs. So what am I to about? First here is push the legs away. So at about 45 degrees with the bootstrap in place, I'm going to ask you to roll your spine up as if you're doing a shoulder bridge prep. Nice and long field. Now there, if you were to think about letting go with the hand, would you almost be okay?

Perfect. That's right. Spring tension. That's what we have known that you're writing about, right? And you were breathing. Yes. We always forget to breathe. So in this position, go back to parallel for middle at the turnout happen and keeping the pelvis nicest stable. I'm going to give you a little bit of feeling of what I want you to keep. I want to keep the feeling that you're reaching this way out.

Not letting it become an arch or a drop in the pelvis. Yes. So when you're in the movement one that goes up, the other one go down slightly. So you're gonna alternate that way. Keeping the F angle exactly as if we had that pivot joint right in the middle of the hipbone. Now if you can take the size bigger, that would be great. But focusing on the opening of the head, not simply the leg it's going out of size and more helps when they come from the lake. Going away from you shoulders. How are they doing and bring it back to static. Roll the spine back down, release the tension in the shoulders.

You're doing that and bend the knees in for me, so that'd be the scissors. We're just going to try a little bit of a difference from there. We're going to take it back out again for me roller with all the way up and just as little prep. You can also do your leg circles, so from here you can start to come up together, slightly open out. There we go. This movement is going to be more limited than when you're working through the reformer, but it's about the stability into the hip joint.

It's not necessarily about the size of the mobility in the hip socket itself. Change Direction for me, that's where the challenge changes to more circles for me. Nice and simple. Derrick or bend the knees, roll the spine down, bend the knees in, and I'll take these from you. And now you're once again, moving on to another teacher. You've got Michael coming in again. Okay, he'll direct you from here. Great Merit. If you could go ahead and sit up. Swing your feet around here and we're going to decide them with a pole. So you're going to put your top leg forward in the back leg behind here until like the mermaid position. So on the side, let's say good. And now from here, bend the knees and come to a sitting position.

Let's start this sitting and I'm going to start actually, let's walk those legs over. Take that top leg back. That's better. Now put both hands together and put the bar on top of your head. So one, one this hand underneath the bar and then place it here. Now we're going to lit. Drop the shoulders down. And what I want to think about is this lower side. You're going to close the book here. So bend over, control the movement, and then come back up to a sitting position. Now the shoulders dropping down each time spine is long.

Take a breath in and as you breathe out, going over to the side tilt hinge and as slowly close the book would have just five like this. Take a breath in and breathing out the lengthen and then slowly coming up. Good. Let's do two more. Breathe in and as you breathe out tilde and go over. Lengthen and come up one more time. Breathe in and breathing out. Now we're going to make a little progression here.

I like to call this the wave, which is quite appropriate as we've got quite a few waves behind us. We're going to go over tilted aside and now from here, close the other side and then come back up. Let's do that again. Again, close the lower side here. Now close the top and then coming back up again. Five of each to three more of these. Breathing in, breathing out, held and come back up. One more time over to the side. Lengthen and come back right now. Little bit further variation.

We're going to go over to the side, but now rotate the body, lengthen the spine, and come back up and come back to the center. So close here over to the side, rotate and then come back and again can center over to the side. Push, turn and lengthen up. And when the last time, let's try and get it long extension. So over to the side. Now turn, stretch the spine and come back up and release the arms. And let's try those on the other side. So turn and face me. All right. It is a hard one. It's quite a nice one. Again, you know you can make your legs a little bit longer. You can change the springs.

We've got the short yellow on here. So hands behind. We just want to make sure you're getting enough support to challenge you. So as this underneath side, we're gonna close. So tilt and then straightaway come back up again. Tilt close here, an app, shoulders down the back, take a breath in and breathing out. Lengthen and come up. Get, keep the bar close to you in a or the app or an app.

Now let's go into that wave. So we're going over to the slide tilled and come back up again. Breathing in, breathing out, over tilled up again. Breathing in chilled. I lift up one more time. And now with that third progression, take it over to the slide immediately rotate, lengthen and come back up and again over the side. Rotate lesson and come back and try and make it a little bit bigger each time.

Use the center, shoulders down the back, come back up to all the best yet with the end turn and come up one more time, but the end and over. Lengthen and again release the arms and back and just turned around basically the side and just let the shoulders release as I had you ever to Malcolm again. Hmm. Well trying to avoid your shoulders, getting too much working at night. We're going to work on the waist and I, we're going to try and get the open up the waist and opened up some of these back muscles for you. So I do this kind of movement for anyone that sits a lot.

Yes, or I don't know. How much do you sit through the day? Rarely. All right. Okay. So you should be fine. That should be a level of movement you're going to bring yourself so that you can hold the bar up from this arm facing to the this direction forward. And you want to hold the bar up here and I want the elbow beneath the bar. So shuffling a little bit more for me.

This right angle should work for all of us so that if we get this RightAngle correct with the pelvis, nice and square. Nice can be together but not with tension. But then so not gonna move and no spring tension's on this at all. So you do know all the support through your own arm and shoulder. So you didn't sit the bar up and reach up. At this point is preparation.

Just move the bar up from the ribs, keeping the hip down. So this idea all the time, this is no superglued. I'm going to be your glue for you. And as you go up rather than collapse, bring it back to center. You want to use the shoulder joint. Now bring the bar down. And as it goes down to this point, you're going to open the hand up for me. Press down on the bar, and then go over as if you're reaching through the head, through the square of the bar towards the beach. Now again, this is glued, Diane. I'm in San devised by money or chocolate, but this one has to be money. The money's here, right? Keep the money, bring it back in and ban the elbow and roll it up.

So it's just the lateral reach the arm here. If we keep it down, we can even use our own hand to assist us. They help us keep the money as you're going up and Andrew Up, down through. So we're working the shoulder joint, but the focus here all the time is to get these ribs moving away from the hip joint to get the width length into the waist muscle. You should feel that quaint length in the bleak set, right? Um, ring it back up. So we've done three in that direction. We will reverse it to the other side, but I want to know, ask them rotation. You're going to be yourself and a little bit closer to see my hand.

Bring it into there. You're going to see it this time behind to the bar in there. This one comes around. No, think of the sore from the Mat. We want to do a soul if you need to come a little bit closer cause I think you're a little bit too rotated there. The bar should pass in front of you. If you blamed Ben, the elbows, we take 'em to lean back. You reach up.

Same as we did before, reaching up from the rib cage high, high, high, high, high, and then you bring it back in. Roll it down through in this time as you roll through again, it's not collapsing in yourself is flection curve in the spine, but it's lengthening out towards the wall. They are keeping that hip down. It's what you should be feeling. I don't want to hold you here too long. Is the muscle being stretched in here deep, lower back. Another good one. If we're sitting a lot, roll it back out and take it back up so we never leaning back as we come back out all the way up and bring it down so I can keep that and there was a fluid movement.

Keep it going one more and you find that lanes, enjoy it for a millisecond and embarking it back in. Roll it through and up. Your goal is to not need me here to hold your head, bring it back in. So as you come back, now what we're going to do is going to repeat this on the other side. Okay. So I normally like it's fine. Stay where you are. But I normally like to get people to get up and walk around. So I think when you're going to the other site, move your body, see how it feels.

Check that everything's okay with what you've just done rather than just, Oh, I'm fine. Yeah, it's all about who we are standing. So take the bar like you did before. We'll start with the hand that week. That really lovely RightAngle. So it has about three repetitions in each site. Licensed tall here, standing back, lengthen up if you can think of it not grasping. There's a funny thing happens to the shorter and bring it back in.

I'll talk about the shoulder as you do the movement and our bounds. If you grasped the forum guys and use the attention to your hands, your shoulder becomes less efficient. If you're short is not as efficient, your is not as efficient. Bring it back in. So if you can do movements where you don't need to grasp doing is going to help the rest of the body. Work with less tension. There's the difference between muscle recruitment and muscle tension. Good. You beginning to feel the pelvis a bit better.

Yourself and Lanson and again that feeling of not collapsing, lifting through and over next part of the curve. Go for it, I hope. Was it counting? I know we've only done two or three. That was the three. So we're going in for the third one. This coming up right? Sold you. My brain can only handle one or two things at a time. I can only can it cause I'm not speaking well.

I should be giving you more to think about that. A role through often that hand that for me there, glue that down. Let me give you that help there. I come back out. He should feel that when you finish, you're taller, so you're gonna bring it back because we want to do the rotation. Once with slack comes closer in and again here the hand goes to the back end of the bar and this rotation happens so that when you come through with the hands bringing them up, you don't have to lean back reaching up. And again, it's lifting out.

So the feeling here is that you're lifting out of the pelvis for the whole rib cage going up. You're not collapsing any site. Don't bring it down in front of you and no, when you do the movement, I'll keep my hand here so it doesn't rotate the pelvis, reaching through shorter. Stay in. Don't open the hand again. Palm Open. There we go. And just go for that extra depth. Remember, it's deep in here. We're trying to reach, bring it back in. So the first one, nice and slow and focus. You want to do two more and it's something I can't do is shuts up and let you feel it. It's not in my nature, but I want you to think that every time you move you're thinking of two directions. So the direction, donuts, the pelvis don't into the cottage and then the other's going over the bar, out through to the wall. Bring it back in.

Try and visualize what your borns are doing just about there. So you're thinking of seeing your hipbones glued down to the mat. Bring it back in and the flow principle that we work with, it comes in. Once you understand your sequence, when you understand yours, your choreography, if you want of the movement, you can bring the fluidity back to the movement. Why are you learning? Sometimes it's going to be a little bit Staccato.

That's your last one. I'll take the bar from you. There you go. And Michael's going to come in and take you from here. Let's give the upper body a little bit of a rest. Now go ahead and lay back down. So we're going to go back to this. The purple springs here, strongest springs.

Put your hands lightly on the bar here and would've put one foot in here and gently take, get a spring and place the other foot in here. Now put the legs parallel and again, I'm going to give you a little bit of help. So lengthen the legs. And now here what I'd like you to do is go ahead and lift the pelvis up and now get that Nice Li elongation to the spine. Now keeping the legs together parallel, squeeze the legs.

We're going to rotate the pelvis and let the pelvis turn and push and now come back and rotate and let the feet go with it. So keeping the shape of the body, turn the trunk and again, take a breath in and again, breathing out and rotate through that fabulous work going through the obliques, right? So this muscles at the side of the body pushing out with the in, I'm reaching out and turn, lengthen. Good. You just be conscious that there's, you're doing the movement, you're not gripping too much with the hands. Play with the tension of the fingers. A Lathan. Each time you do the movement becomes a little bit more focused on the center, the shoulder stability with the in and breathing out and her last time come back to the center or the side turns of the sea. Come back. Now rotate as it come back.

And I hold it center now turn the legs out, flex the feet. I'm going to play. So bend the knees and now pushing out push. And what we're doing to plea is we're trying to keep that pelvis height. Breathing in, breathe out a pushing out. Good in lengthen. Good. Just two more times.

There'll be about five repetitions of each movement pushing out. And now hold it here and now with the ledgers, open out and squeeze the legs together. Good. But every time you close, think of the inside thighs, the abductors closing, wrapping the legs behind, breathing in and breathing out. We're more, I'm definitely the sequence man cause what I'm going to do is put the legs back to pell and let's put that together as a sequence. So one rotation, come back, one rotation, come back, turn the feet out, play a pushing away. Open the legs out and squeeze the legs together, Paolo and a rotation and a rotation. Come back, turn the legs out. Play within the out, over the legs, out and squeezed together. One less time. Rotation. Turn again. Breathe in, breathe out. Good plea, a pushy out. Open the legs. And now this time, close legs. Flex the feet. And what I want you to do is just with the legs, just beat the legs together.

Now as you're doing that movement center inside vies, keep it going. And now try and take the beats a little bit lower, a little bit lower, a little bit lower. Play with that depth. Play that Dez Lenten legs a little bit further. Take a breath in and breathing out a little bit higher. Tell their legs up and again, a little bit lower. Good.

Now play with the range of movement. How low can you go? Keeping the control and then coming back, lifting up. And again, little taking it down, pushing and less than I've, I really wanted to challenge you. We're going to put it all together to go back to power dial. Do one rotation, pelvis, one rotation, turn, come back now flex [inaudible] extend out, open the legs out, close licks together and now beat down two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and come up to three four. I would do it one more time and rotation, turf and pushing. And again, turn and push. [inaudible]. Now push out, open the leg out, squeeze the legs together and now beat down two, three, four, five, six, seven and come back up to three, four or five, six, seven and bend the knees and slowly roll down. I think we've got a nice Gloag on the end and we have other days that they remind need to medic.

Now go ahead and sit up now and swing your feet around to the tower and you're going to put just one foot on each side of the Lake Street and north of here, you know, stretch the arm street. Now you can actually bring the heels away from the football field of tout at the bar a little bit and just have them here. And you're gonna hold on gently. Now pull back and flex against the spine. Good. And then just come back to a sitting position. Now as you go back, open the shoulders. We'll do this five times flex and go push back again.

Breathe the in and again, flex. Tilt the pelvis and come back. One more time for the it and breathing out. Flex and tilt and litter. Now we're going to progress this. Take it back to the tilt. Now from here you're going to keep your legs straight. Lift the pelvis up and stretch up. So push up.

Lengthen long spine does it hold it there. Lengthen, look up a little bit more. Take a breath in and then slowly come down. Keep the leg straight. Release and just push through and release out. Let's try that again. Pull back now till the pelvis. Lengthen and push up and I will lift up. Now here, this time, think of the chest, lift the chest a little bit more, control the ribs, breathing in and as slowly breathing out, rolled out and push the push bar through again.

Take a breath in, pull back, tilt the pelvis, lengthen, push up and reach up then and then slowly coming back down and push the bar through. Now we're going to try this. If you're at home trying this, would you be careful cause we're going to go to a single arm. I'm here to help motive. But you've reordered home. You might want to put a stability ball or just continue doing it with two hands. So what I want you to do is bring your hands together in the center. You're going to lift up a straight legs. Yeah. From here.

So goes to curve back, curve back. Now lift up. Now I'm going to give you a liberal assistance and now from here to take that front arm and reach behind you and said, come back, hold, take a breath in and now so the other side, not slapping me across the face as you might want to take it and are slowly rolled out. Tilt and this time push the bar up and release out. It's a very challenging movement. Sometimes the grip is difficult on your wrist, but if it becomes too hard at home, then just keep going with the two hands. But just so as I say, if you do have a stability ball or something underneath the back when you go out, they will definitely help. Let's try it one more time. Tilt the curve back.

Flex now from here, lift the pelvis. Now find that nice neutral position. Good Center. Now I've got your back and lift of one arm. Lengthen. Reach. Reach a little bit further. That's it. More, more, more girl, come back, take a breath in. And again, breathe without reach. Stretch. Good. I can feel gorgeous. Back muscles working really hard now slowly come down, uh, and then push the ball up. Release and slowly come back to the side.

Let the bar down and swing the feet to the front of the bench. And Mr Moorehead's going to take over just the Muirhead head. He doesn't know me honestly. Um, right. So what, we've done a lot of work with our shoulder girdle. So what I wanted to do to finish me off is just simply stand up here and we're just going to try and release the shoulders and move the body a little bit more fluidly. I mentioned earlier, the body has to be fluid when you move. So when we finish, we don't use finish. You want Terrell to what you say, don't you? Okay, you work, you have your phone, right?

So I'll do this alongside you here. You're just going to simply think about the shoulders beginning to roll and the Scapula are gonna release. They should feel nice. Yes. Let the Scapula glade around. You know, if you sit a lot, you know, if you'll do a lot of forward work, we need to do this. We should do this probably as a preparation, but we're just going to do this for you as a release. [inaudible] middle a little bit more because I let them, I'll try and get my words out a little bit more dynamic as we do this. I'll stand out the way to do that one is as well, cause I don't want to be slapped either.

You're gonna bring the elbows in now is we're bringing those elbows in. The shoulderblades will start to feel a little bit more focused, a little bit more conscious. We're going to go for a longer arm. You do the longer arm, try and control the spine, but you're going to start to make this dynamic, right? So the arm is going to be quite strong fluid and start to circulate the Azure air conditioning. Right? Nice and big cross nams each time. Now, if you do this dynamically for all 10 15 seconds, maybe even longer, when you finished, you might feel a little bit different in shorter.

Obviously if you've got something anomaly shorter, you make it smaller. You listen to your body. Yes, but it's a little bit fun rather than effort and release. And how do you shoulders feel? No good, right? We're going to do this for the spinal little bit. Arms Up. We're going to swing. I'll show you the first one going to swing down, but when you come up, you're going to go up to the site. Yes.

And in swing down swing come up to all you want to come away from there a little bit more for me. Planning Malcolm, swing down, swing up to the side and then swing down. Swing up to the other side and try and open the chest up swing when he should come up this thing. Stay up and swing to the other side immediately and in some sentence swing up the other side up and swing over. You kind of doing it more fluidly. Yes. Are you swinging along to the music swing up swing and again trying to think of more fluid. Let the body go. Just feels nice. Yes. And one more last one hands.

Relax your arms down and we're finished so thank you very much for joining Michael, myself, Michael coming in and thank you as well. Obviously we always thanks the people that work with us. Yes, thank you Meredith for that workout. I've even joined this workout at home. As I say, always make sure that the movements fit your body. If you feel you're fighting the springs, change the springs, get the best position. But always remember, the most important thing is to breathe. See you next time. Bye.

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1 person likes this.
Great class, thank you !! 👏👏🙏
1 person likes this.
Creative and challenging, loved it! Thank you.
Great class! The second set of legs in straps was so challenging!! What a workout. Thank you:)
1 person likes this.
Expansion of the 'fundamentals'. Dynamic rotations so valuable to the well being of our bodies. Thank you, Michael and Malcolm!
1 person likes this.
Oh how I wish I could work with you both. So far away so I will continue dreaming. Thank you for a fabulous class and superb instruction.. One quick question. Some of those lateral bends and rotations look like they could be good for mild thoracolumbar scoliosis. Any thoughts.
Mirella Martire
Love you guys
Thank you so much
Super class!!!
1 person likes this.
Lovely class! The emphasis on fluidity is great, and I love the creative variations
1 person likes this.
SOOOoooo lovely to see this session from Michael and Malcolm, I started my Pilates adventure with these two in 2000.. many thanks and gorgeous memories from their friendly and expressive teaching.
1 person likes this.
Fluid, precise and focus. Thank you so much!
1 person likes this.
lovely workout! super challenging. I am going to add some variations in my clients today :)
1-10 of 20

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