Class #3524

Core Stability Mat

55 min - Class


Focus on core stability in this challenging Mat workout with Karen Clippinger. She teaches exercises that test your balance so you can work on training the proprioceptive system to recover in the way that we need to do functional movements. She encourages you to work at the edge where you can really challenge your balance so you can build strength in your whole body.
What You'll Need: Mat, Fitness Ball, Theraband

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Aug 27, 2018
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Welcome. Today we're going to be doing an a workout. It's a little different that focuses on core stability in the ball. And so my goal is actually to have all of us fall several times during this workout. And the, uh, the challenge is to not play it safe, but to actually work at that edge where you can barely balance so that you're gonna lose it sometimes and regain it other times. And we're trying to train that proprioceptive system to be able to recover just like it would have to do in functional movement. So I hope you can find this workout, enjoyable it a little fun.

So we are going to start sitting on the ball with the arms reaching forward and as we curled back, I want you to use the ball to pull it towards your feet and bring the arms overhead and forward and curl back up again. So start with your knees more than 90 degrees and Tuck. And as you tuck, pull the ball towards your heels sequentially curling down and arms overhead and arms forward and curling back up again, scooping, starting from the bottom as you curl forward. Really Getting Nice movement of that ball as you come down and reversing. Bringing that ball back as you come back up. This time, adding rotation, curling back down and bringing the arms overhead.

Rotate to the left. Bring the arm back over. Head, come back to center and back up. Stain on the same side, curling back down, bringing the arms overhead and rotate to the left. Wrap around with that arm. Really rotate far. Try to curl down to the back of your waist is on the ball. Come back to center and come back up once more on this side, curling back down, arms overhead and as you rotate, think of lifting that right shoulder up and around. As you twist, coming back to center and up three times to the right, curling down, arms over head and rotate. Uses handed. Twist even a little further. Lifting that left shoulder around, bringing the arms overhead and back up, curling down, arms overhead, lifting up and around.

Really try to feel that shoulder wrap towards the opposite hip, bringing the arms overhead forward and up. Last time, like this curling down, arms overhead, spiraling from the pelvis, rib cage, shoulders, wrapping that arm further coming and up. And now two for rain, so curling down as you curl your in. Continue and allow your back to arch over the ball so you get a stretch of those abdominals. Inhale, exhale here and really try to feel that distance between your pubic bone in your rib cage. Get further away, bring the arms forward and curl back up to your sitting position. And again, curling down, bringing the ball towards you, wrapping your spine, thinking of this spline, curving around the ball as you go back. So you're making an arch over that ball, bringing the arms overhead. Savor that moment.

Really trying to feel your spine lengthen. Let gravity lengthen it and now bring the arms forward, curling back up and try to find that neutral position. I'm going to kneel on the floor and put the chest on the ball. Okay. Leaning forward, elbows at 90 degrees and bringing those elbows up so those shoulder blades pull slightly together as externally. Rotate, lift the upper back and extend the arms overhead.

Bringing the arms down. De Rotate and lower arms. Lift and rotate. Upper back lifts, extending overhead elbows. Ben D, rotate and lower left shoulder blade slightly together. And now as you rotate, think of pivoting right at the shoulder blades. As you lift up, still wrapping your pubic bone around the ball.

As you reach up towards the ceiling. Bend d rotate and lower. Adding the legs is time, so arms and arms rotate. Lifting that upper back, reaching arms overhead as your legs extend coming back down and rotate and arms rotate. Upper back arches. Extend the legs at the same time. Extend those arms coming back and de rotate. Once again, it's arms, upper back, arms extend, legs extend. As you roll forward, try to find that balance.

Lifting and holding two, three, four and coming back down from here sliding so that bringing your ball back so you have room and sliding that your knees are on the ball. And the challenge here is I want you to start this movement with your pelvis. So you're going to post your lead, chill and bring that ball towards your shoulders and then come back out again. Long line and lifts, starting with the base of this mind, caustics Sitcom coming under and coming back out to that long line and left and curl, bringing the legs forward and coming back. Once again. Lift and curl, bringing that leg, those legs forward and coming back.

Now shift so that your right knee is in the middle, your left leg is lifted up. And from here coming forward and coming back and coming forward and coming back and coming forward and coming back, switching sides, left knee on the ball. Find that middle, lift the right and coming forward and coming back coming forward. Still rounding that low back and coming forward and coming back from here. Drop your knees on each side of the ball. Okay.

And working on thinking of your heel, staying together like butterfly wings, your knees are opening up and then dropping down to small movement, working on the rotators at the hip. So knees, reach out and lift up towards the ceiling and then drop down and go more to parallel reaching side. Really reach those knees away from each other and up towards the ceiling. Try to not let the feet lift so much and lower down and reaching out. Now feel the difference. Lift the heels. That's what I don't want. And instead he'll stay there. But knees go wide. Yes. Nice.

And coming back down. Now we're going to add the legs extending. So lifting the legs up the heels a little lower. And now from here, extend those legs, allowing that low back to arch slightly. Bend the knees and drop back down again. And knees reached side.

Allow the back to arch slightly as you extend. Okay, Ben, reaching those knees nice and high and lower. Last one, knees are reaching side. And from here extend reaching that more way out. Way Out, out keeping hills together as you reached them out. Bend those knees and lower them back down.

Coming to a sitting position and taking your band in hand and putting the band under your toes. Put your feet fairly close so that you can stretch the band. Okay. And right from here, our bicep curls, trying to keep those risks in line as you bend the elbows and three and four and five and six. Now Bend a little different here.

Keep them in and think of them going slightly back and then keep the elbows nice and close the forms close as you lift. Two more. Bend lifting up and back. Last one, bend lifting up and back. Taking rows. This one, your arms are going to be at about 60 degrees. So rather than down by your sides, about two thirds of the way up. And I want you to anteriorly tilt your pelvis post yearly tilt, bringing the ball forward and now try to find that spot where you're sitting right on top of it. And here bring those elbows back and coming forward and too and coming forward trying to feel the back of the shoulder and those shoulder blade muscles working three and four.

Now take the band and spread it just a little bit more so you have a little more room sums are up and now this is a called Angel Wings, right? So you're coming up and going back. So elbows are going behind you as you come up and back and elbows to really feel those shoulder blade muscles working up and coming back. Two more. Coming up and back. Last one coming up and coming back. Taking the band under your knees, trying to feel that left with the low back.

And here palms are facing down and we're reaching out just about 90 and lower and coming up and lower reaching out and up and lower. Trying to focus on the shoulder blades, reaching out, rotating as they come up. Bending thumbs in and reaching overhead. Just come into your shoulders and reaching over head and to your shoulders too, or reaching up and to your shoulders. Last one, reaching up and coming side.

Taking the band down. We're going to roll the sacrum down the ball. And what I want you to feel is the back is working as you do this. So as you come down, you're wrapping your spine around the ball to come to a sitting position. And then from there coming back up to a neutral position.

And again, cost six comes under. Now press the sacrum against the ball can use your hands if you're sliding and then your low back and your middle back so that you feel the whole back working and come back up. And one more pressing down, bringing that sacrum, pressing it way back. Now the Lumbar Vertebra, each side, pressing equally back, mid back, pressing back, lower your bottom down and take your ball and move it back. So you're in the middle of your mat. Okay, now we're going to bring the arms overhead. So this is upper back press.

We were working in the lower back on the last one. I want you to feel that upper back pressing back into the ball. Arms are reaching overhead and whole two, three, four and come forward. And again, lifting up and over, bringing the arms back towards the ball and pressing. So you're allowing the ribs to come forward slightly as you press right between your shoulder blades. Against the ball. Two, three, four and come up. If your shoulders hurt, you can have your arms be lower here and press back as you arch over, pulling those shoulder blade slightly together and down and hold two, three, four and up. Last one, pressing back, trying to feel the whole back of your shoulder blades pressing into the ball, right under the shoulder blades pressing into the ball as you hold two, three, four taking your hands down to help you to come back so that your upper back is balanced on the ball. Okay, so this is back bridging and I want you to feel, if you have it pretty low here, it's, it's easy, but what instead want you to move the ball so that just your head and your upper back are on it. All right?

See you're just barely supported by that ball and this is one that you will probably fall lifting the bottom of the pelvis up, hands down to catch as needed and pressing with your upper back. You're gonna lift one leg up and bring it back down. And again, lifting one leg up and bring it back down. And lift the same one and lower four times on each side, pressing down, lifting the right leg up and lower other side. Tried to lift that pelvis for the starting position.

Shift your weight to the right a bit and now lifting that left leg and lower and press as you lift and lower press as you lift and lower. One more time. Press as you lift and lower and come down to sitting position. And that's an exercise that's been shown to be really effective for training the backup sensors for proprioception. So it's a good one to practice. So here we're going to go into our front leg lifts and extending the right leg out, using your elbows to keep the ball from sliding back. And yes, you can have your pelvis out just a little from here.

Lifting the right leg up when you feel like you can't go higher, bend that knee. Try to feel that Ellia so as deep as extend and then lower the legs slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly come back down and again, lifting the leg and bend and higher and extend and lower and lift. And Ben trying to keep that side towards you as you extend and lower and lift and bend and extend and lower. Keeping it straight on and lower and two and lower and three and lower. Last one, four. Bring it in and switch to the other side.

Bringing the left leg out and here, lifting up and bend. Brilliant, nice and close and extend and lower down. And this is one that's often asymmetric, right where we have a stronger side. Lifting up and bend, bringing that sign close as you extend slowly lower back down and lift and bend and extend and lower. Last one, lift. Try to feel that. So as keeping that side close to you, nice stays where it is as you extend and lower down four lifts with it. Straight lifting up. One, lower down, lifting up two and lower and lifting up three and lower. Lifting up four and lower.

Taking the ball and bringing it in front and placing your legs up on the ball. Okay. So bridging from here, lifting the pelvis up and as you bring the ball towards you, I want you to really focus on lifting the bottom of the pelvis and trying to feel that approximate straight line between the knees, hips and shoulders. Good. Keep that high as the legs go out and then lower articulating back down at the end and lifting up, pressing down on the ball as you pull it towards you.

As you lift the pelvis higher. Good. And bringing the legs back out and lower back down. [inaudible] and lifting. Press down, lift the pelvis higher, really focused on those hamstrings working as you press down, legs go out and lower down. Stain in this time, lifting up, pulling the ball in towards you. Find the spot where you can put your left leg on top for balance and your right leg up. And from here, lower down and lift up and lower can be smaller, larger.

You can go all the way down and touch and come up all the way down and touch and up or small switching sides, bringing the right leg on and the left leg up and come down and lifting up and lower down and lifting. Lower down, lifting up left one, lower down, lifting up, bringing the ball in, taking your right leg to stretch your hamstrings. And here lifting your head off the ground and letting the weight of your upper torso help pull the leg towards you. Gently stretching that leg again. Those of you that are more flexible like Lauren, straighten that leg out and others. Keep that knee bent. Let your head drop down. And from here, pressing away gently and relax and let that leg come closer.

Really trying to fill the back hamstrings. Lengthen as that leg comes closer and again, pressing away and relax and let it come closer. Hold that position, trying to feel it lengthen. Pull the ball in. For those of you that have your legs straight and switch to the other side. First Time everyone with the knee bent, pressing away, and notice the difference between your right and your left side.

Many of our asymmetric and hamstring flexibility too, and let that leg come in. If you're tighter, really focus on lengthening the distance between those sitz bones in the back of the knee, trying to feel that muscle gently. Let go and press away. And if you're more flexible, bring the ball away and relax. Focusing on flexing at the hip. As you bring that leg closer, the thigh closer to the chest. Fold. Lean in again, pressing away and relax and pull the leg closer. Trying to feel the weight of gravity, letting the leg fall towards your chest, moving your hand out a little further towards the ankle or towards the foot.

If you're more flexible to add a little more stretch and go to our first position where your head is lifted and you're letting the weight of your torso help stretch that leg. Bend the leg, bring the legs down and straighten. And from here, arms are going overhead. So arms come forward and you have to have your feet kind of on the edge of the ball. And from here you curl up to sitting, come back to flat and then curl back down and the arms go overhead. So arms come forth and give your fingertips, having strings, helping you to curl up. When you reach that spot, go towards a flat back and now round to come back down and arms forward reaching with those fingers, trying to feel both feet push evenly.

So the ball does the scoot out from you. Find that flat back close as you can to it and curl back down. Bringing the arms over head last one arms. Okay. And curling up, going all the way up, pulling the ball closer to you, grabbing your ankles and just doing a little hamstring stretch. Here are your legs are in this lifted position, so if you're more tight, bend your knees just a little, kick your hands on the outside of your ankles and then straighten those legs as much as you comfortably can as you curl forth.

Okay. Taking the hands back. Try to find that middle spot on the ball. Taking your hands back for our depths. So lifting up elbows, bend just a little and shoulder blades. Pull down and elbows bend.

Just a little shoulder blades pull down. Really think of them pulling towards your waist and bend just a little and shoulder blades pulled out. Now from here the ball is going away. As you lift and pulling back as it comes closer and goes away, take your time. Take your time. When you find that place out where you can lift, lift and then pull the ball back towards the last one. Going away, pushing down, lifting that sternum up, finding that position, curling that down, trying to keep the to the pelvis rounded.

But bring your bottom back in to the next position. Taking the ball between your legs and rolling onto your side. So find that position where that taught me is bent and you feel like you can hold it and the bottom leg is straight from here. You're lifting your legs off the ground, pushing down with the top leg and up with the bottom leg so you really feel those inner thigh muscles working really hard. I want to see them shaking good and lower back down again and lifting up, pressing with the top leg up with the bottom leg and hold two, three, four and lower. Two more.

Lifting up, pressing down with the top leg up with the bottom leg. Really feel those inner thighs and lower last one, lifting up, pressing down. Stay there, bend the knees and extend to the front and bend the knees and extend to the side. Find it. That's it. And Bend and extend to the front and benders. You extend to the side. Lift a little higher. Good. Ben To the front and bend to the side.

Lifting nice and high. Nice and high. Good, good, good, good, good, good. That's it. That's it. And come in right from here. Switching to the other side. Starting lifting both legs up. Okay. Pressing down with the top leg and up with the bottom leg and lower and lifting up. Pressing down top, leg bottom, like really try to feel the bottom of your pelvis forward.

Nice alignment at the same time and lower. Two more. Lifting up, good. Pressing down inner thighs, squeezing together on both sides and lower. Last one, lifting up, pressing down right from here. Knees Bend, go front and bend. Go side lifting higher bin. Go Front, bend, lift inside higher. Last One Ben, go front Bin, go side. Nice and high. Nice and high.

Nice and high. Nice and come back. Doubt, kneeling. And this one, I want you to kneel so that you're quite close to the ball in your starting position and then your top leg is out to brace you. Your other knee will slide away just a little. You have to find the spot where your hip is right on the ball for balance. It takes a little maneuvering. Good. And here, side up and coming down and too and coming down and three and and four stay there.

Arms overhead and in and down. One more. Lifting up, arms overhead, arms in and lower. Taking your arm, your forearm onto the ball, kneeling, and now you're going to slide out. So this is for working on that side support idea. You're going to slide out, can let this leg go out again so that you're feeling those obliques work on the bottom side where you feel like you're about ready to fall and then come back and again sliding out. Go ahead. Good, good. Keep the bottom of the pelvis forward. Pressing down with your arm.

Nice and come back yet. And sliding out shoulder blade nice and stable. As you slide out, stay there. So come in just a little more. You can hold it and lift the bottom leg one and two, top leg three and four. Good.

Bring the ball in just a little bit more so it's in closer as you press down, taking your hand behind your head, lift up and leg comes forward, keep it low and goes back and comes forward. Flexing and goes back and flexes forward and goes back. Good. And switching sides. So starting with the ball nice and close in finding that place where your hip is on the ball. Extending the other leg.

And now from here hands allowing you okay to come up and lower down and two and lowered and three and lower down and four and lower down. Adding the arms up, arms reach, arms in and lower and up. Arms reach, arms in and lower. Good. Taking your forearm on the ball and sliding it to where you feel you can barely control that sides for it. Again, that's so useful for the obliques sliding out and then pulling back in again and sliding out. Okay, good. And coming back in again and sliding out and coming back in.

Staying out just a bit, not the full way. And lifting the leg up. One and two. [inaudible] three [inaudible] four taking the hand behind the head and bringing the leg forward or a small flex point going back and flex coming forward and point going back and flex forward and point going back and come back in. So now we're going to face towards the ball and start with your elbows really low on the ball. And from here rolling out. So this is ab rural, right, which again has been shown to be very effective for abdominals and oblique specifically, but you really need those elbows low so that you can have enough range as you go forward. That's it.

And come back and go forward. Bring the bottom, the pelvis down as you go forward and come back and staying out there, here and shoulder blades together and separate and together. So push up plus trying to fill that serratus under the armpits work and come together and separate once more together, separate and ball, push up, keep it small. Hands are on the side. You have to kind of find the spot where you feel like you can come forward and back up again and come forward and up and three and up and for good and up, taking your forms onto the ball and bringing it back. So it's close to you as you put your hips on.

This is for back extension reign. So I want you to think about this being more for range of motion. So you're going to use pressing down with your arms to lift, upper back, middle back, low back and reach an arm overhead. Bring that arm down and lower sequentially all the way over so you round, but you just shorten and pressing down with the arms head, upper, middle, back, low back, Kinda like swan where you're pushing your thighs forward as you reach your arm up and lower coming all the way down to around in position and coming up head, upper middle, lower and reaching that arm up. Stay there, reached the other arm up to hold. Oh left arm down, right arm down and lower.

Once more on that side, lifting up right arm reaches out. Find that position left to meet it. Left down, right down and lower. Same thing on the other side. Really find here, put your ass in the middle if you scooted during that exercise. And so pressing with your forms, trying to feel both Asi is equally weighted on the ball and then the arm free to slide forward.

Think of that thumb lifting your upper back back behind you, and then lowering back down again and pressing with the forms, reaching arm out and up. Really Nice and high, lifting up and back and coming back down. Not quite so high this time, reaching out, coming up. Feel those Asi es on so that you can reach the other arm up, right arm down, left arm down and lower. Last one, pressing up, left arm reaches right arm to meet it. Hold that, hold that.

Bring both arms back behind you to arch further and come forward taking your band and tying it in a not. And we're gonna do back leg less. So I, let's tie these, um, fairly tight loop. And some of you have done this exercise before without the ball. And the trick is the ball doesn't allow your pelvis to rotate, so it makes it a lot harder. So don't worry if your range of motion right, uh, is smaller with this exercise.

So from here we're reaching the right leg back and it begins at lives. Higher sign in the sun and then from there extend reaching up and coming back in and leg reaches back and knee bends and knee lifts higher and extends and come back in once more like that leg reaches back. Knee Benz lifts higher and extends and n. Now staying back, lifting back knee bends lifts up small range but you're going to go side externally. Rotating comeback going to parallel side as externally.

Rotating back to parallel lifting a little higher side, rotating back, lifting a little higher. Last one, turning out parallel and lift and switch sides and here left leg goes back. Knee Benz lift trying to feel the hamstrings ext and reaching up. Glutes and hamstrings working hard and come back sliding on the floor. Knee stays where it is. As the heel comes higher, reaching up and come back in. Two more.

Sliding [inaudible] lifting up and extend and lower and [inaudible]. Ben, try to feel the back of your knee. Lift up your heel going higher than your knee. Wes and in stain back on this one leg goes back knee bends and extend keeping it low as externally rotate. As you go to this side, come back to parallel and lift as externally. Rotate to this side, coming back to parallel and lift. Extremely rotate to the side. Parallel and lift as externally. Rotate to the side. Last one.

And prepare well and left. So you should feel all those blue tee off. Yes. Oh, nice and toasty. Now before we go into our feet, I do want to do a little hip, a, B doctor stretch. So let's cross over and pull that knee across. Okay. And try to feel that difference again between slumping and lifting and really lifting up and from here, pressing out gently.

Okay. And then coming back, bringing that leg across your body. Okay. And one more time. Gently pressing away. Still staying lifted with your spine and relax and pull that leg across. Thinking of it, not only crossing the midline but rotating inwards, I could scan a money's going to come down and touch the floor on the other side. Okay.

Switching legs and bringing the ball on the other side and really using your form to help bring that leg across. Slump to feel the difference. And then lift. That's fine. Feel equal weight on both sitz bones and now press away. And as you bring the leg back, see if your spine can grow taller and press away. Yeah.

And as that leg comes up, sits bones lifting low back, lifting abdominals up or back behind the ears, reaching towards that ceiling, other toe, reaching away that opposition. Good. Taking the ball and placing it on the ring for a moment while we do our feet. So taking the band around their little toes to the outside and separating those heels. And we're going to be finishing in just a moment with some standing lunges. And so what I want you to think about as we do these feed exercises, that is their role in standing.

So little toes are going out trying to keep those knees still and these muscles prevent rolling in or out rolling out, right? So they're the ones that prevent you from rolling out or spraying in your ankle and come back in. So little toes going down and up. Nice. That's it. Some people talk about winging your foot, right? And that's that. This exercise coming down, reaching those little toes up [inaudible] and back. Now a little more quickly going side one and two and three and four. Now adding rotation, little toes, go, rotate leading with those toes come back to parallel and in little toes out, rotate leading with those toes. Come back in.

Last one, little toes out. Rotate leading with those toes and come back in crossing. We're going to do both at the same time today. So bring both bands to the edge of your, your toes and both feet are going away from each other and coming back and away trying to feel that scoop of lifting the inner arch. And these muscles are really important for preventing, rolling in, rolling in, all of that rolling in. And these are the ones that are really important for keeping the arches right on the foot. And here, roll you out. And again, let's go a little more quickly.

So one and two and three and four, two more. Five and six. Flexing, taking the band out to the edge of the toe, starting with your right foot. Allow yourself to slump back a little with this leading with the toes coming up, toes front of the foot, going towards the Shin and coming down and again, two and lower and three and lower and four. Now we're going to change it just a little. I want you to lead with the little toe as you come up.

Really try to fill that outside working and come back down. So again, this will get those peroneals as muscles that are really important for preventing rolling out or shifting your weight to the inside. Lifting with those little toes up and down and little toes up on the series. Notoriously weak on people. You may feel that difference. Now leading with the big toe coming up and this is arch muscles, big toe coming up scooping. Try to keep your heel more stationary and have it be more in the front.

That's nice and back. And one more time coming up and back. Switching, making sure that band is right at the edge of the toe as you lift up and lean back. So four neutral leading with the toes and coming up and away and to coming up and a way and three in a really feel that front the top of the foot. Come in as close as you can to the shin. Really make those muscles work. Good, good, good. And away. Once more coming up, pull it further. Pull it further, pull it further. Nice. And in a way, leading with the little toe, trying to fill that scoop as you lead with the little toe and away and scoop with that little toe nice and away. Nice stays. Still.

Heel is barely moving. Mostly the forefoot and away. Last one. Up and away. Now big toe. Try to feel that pivot and you may feel it harder on one foot than the other. And a way lifting that inner border up and away and inner border. Up and away. Last one.

Inner border up. Good, good, good, good, good. Keep holding that up and away. Taking your band away and lifting, bringing the ball forward, starting with your left knee back, and you're right forward. And so we're just gonna balance on here and use the ball to help you to roll to where you feel a stretch on that back knee. Now for many of you that are flexible, you're getting from this position, think about then tucking, bringing the bottom of the pelvis under and hopefully feel a stretch on the front of the hip there.

And now think of lowering that bottom of the pelvis down towards the floor and anteriorly tilt and feel how it releases it. And that's what a lot of people do when they stretch those hip flexors. And now the opposite. Think of posteriorly tilting, bringing the bottom of the pelvis forward, and then sinking deeper into that stretch one last time. Come out of it, just pressing back a little bit. And then coming forward, post your tilt, going down and focus on lengthening the front of that hip coming up, switching the ball to the other side, bringing the right knee back and the left leg forward repeating. So scooting that knee back, the inside knee back to where you feel a stretch and allow yourself to anteriorly tilt a little and go deeper.

And now bring that pelvis back, bottom of the pelvis and think of more vertically going down again. Feel the difference of the anteriorly tilting how it takes off the stretch and now fun pelvis forward a s I s back on this side and going deeper into that stretch, pulling back out of it just a little and coming back in, trying to come in this time from the bottom, the pelvis coming forward, what does SSIS lifted? So you get a stretch sooner. Bring that left foot back a little if needed so that it's right, your knee is right over your ankle and you feel nice and stable. Bringing the toes under on the back foot. And from here coming to standing and coming down to touch that knee and coming back up and lowering with the hand going forward and up and lowering with the hand going side and up and lowering with the arm going overhead.

Stay there and switch to the other side. Let you back, right leg forward. Find that position. And again, you may find you have a weaker side here and first with your hand on the thigh trying to feel that, oops, that position as you come up. Yes and calm down. I'm going to just do a mini cause I broke my toe and ride from here.

I'm going forward and coming down and arm going side and going down and arm going overhead and and arm on your thigh and lowering back down and bring that ball in and have a seat. So hopefully I felt today that it's very different, right? It's not a strength workout so much. It's bet. It's really oriented more to that coordination, that balance. And one of the exciting things in research is showing that we need a blend of it all. We need exercises for strength, we need exercise for flexibility, and we need exercises to really train that core stability on a more global level with proprioception. So hopefully you'll find this valuable.

And thank you for joining us today.


Laurie C
Anyone else having issues with this video? I only get audio about 15 seconds after it starts.
Laurie ~ I'm sorry you are having trouble with the video. The video for us plays with audio all the way through. Have you tried closing the app and restarting? Please email, and we can troubleshoot with you.
4 people like this.
Some new ball work in spite of having taken just about every ball class offered on PA! They are going to be fun to add on a regular basis. Thank you. Unfortunately, though, a few minutes of instruction at about the 45 minute mark were impossible to understand as Karen gave instructions for small foot work. Her dark footies combined with the blue band that blended in with the mat were frustrating to try and view. Yes, there were verbal cues so she definitely tried to help us!
3 people like this.
I neglected to say that Karen was a delightful teacher!
Laurie C
1 person likes this.
FYI I was able to do the class on the website rather than my app. Great class!
1 person likes this.
Outstanding, creative workout. Thank you!
Had trouble with video pausing
Laurie C
Ann that was the same probably I was having. Try to do it through the web rather than your app. Worked for me.
Ann ~ I'm sorry you are having trouble with the video. The video for us plays with audio all the way through. Have you tried closing the app and restarting? Please email, and we can troubleshoot with you.
1 person likes this.
Karen, you're amazing! I felt like I was back in Body Placement class again! Lots of familiar movement! So glad to see you on PA!! -Heidi Coles (Figueroa)
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