Prenatal Postural Support<br>Leah Stewart<br>Class 1159

Prenatal Postural Support
Leah Stewart
Class 1159

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I love all the stretching for the spine. Thank you so much Leah.
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Awesome! It feels great, huh?

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Leah this was such a great class! Awesome workout! I feel so relaxed but at the same time I feel I really worked my body, thank you!
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Wonderful!! I am so happy that you felt good after this class

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Great class. Thanks again. You're classes are so perfect for my pregnancy.

YAY! I'm so glad to hear it
lovely class leah! this will be so helpful as i guide my clients through pregnancy. and thanks for emphasizing the need to open and mobilize the pelvic floor, rather than simply strengthen. as a mom of a one-year old, i know first hand how important that is!!! and, of course, congratulations on your latest addition!
My fav prenatal workout. Feel loose and relaxed but had a challenge and could modify (add hand weights) in parts. . . at 34 weeks, my favorite work out!
Hi Leah. I have taken and used your classes for inspiration while working with my pregnant clients. And now I am pregnant and am really enjoying how you subtly mix intense work with gentle movement in all directions. My body loves it and it is helping me be more willing to give up my more advanced Pilates workouts thank you!
Aliza - It is soooo important and my main goal in creating and teaching these classes.

Christine - Wonderful!!

Djamila - I am so happy that you are enjoying the classes and that your body is loving it. Yes, it can be tough to put certain exercises and ranges of motion to the side during pregnancy, but as you can see there is so much more you can do - we are not limited at all
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