Romana's Pilates Mat<br>Alisa Wyatt<br>Class 367

Romana's Pilates Mat
Alisa Wyatt
Class 367

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Loved the pace of this class - really sweating now! Thanks so much.
Alisa is THE best - I am fortunate to get to attend her live classes here in South Bay.
Looking forward to incorporating more pilates into my week via these excellent videos.
it was good, i learned some new stuff thankxxxzzzz!
Great class, Thank You. I have to say though, that some parts were a bit too fast to follow; it felt like Alisa assumed we know her variations and transitions...
Wonderful class! Thanks for staring my day off with so much energy.

Great teacher!! Fast pace. A real workout!!! Good queing
This was great! Perfect number of reps for all the various exercises. I appreciate you giving me the reasons why we hold certain positions. Often times I blow off technique because I really didn't see why it mattered. Now I am going to pay more attention to form. Thanks for the great instructions!
Always insightful to return to one of my favorite classes (yes, this one!) to see if I have improved. No one would mistake me for a pilates teacher <lol> but I can see and feel the difference. Any chance you'll be offering another mat class perhaps even with a theraband/small ball/large ball here? That would be a lovely holiday gift to us all.
Nice, strong, traditional repertoire- Alisa your verbal cueing and demonstration is smooth as silk. A fast paced class without compromising good form- very pretty session to watch
LOVED LOVED your class!!!! love your queuing! the pace and the flow is GREAT! thank you so much! i usually practice your reformer class, i had no idea the mat would be so great as well!!
21-30 of 46

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