Feel-Good Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 4102

Feel-Good Mat
Amy Havens
Class 4102

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Thank You for the class and the friendship we all need right now!!6
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You and this class are a gift. In this class  you  prepared  and inspired me to one of my best ever hundred sessions and I was actually surprised how improved my teaser was too. Something to be said for your constant refrain to aspire to levity and fun. Oh and as for another circle image... our eyeballs. Thank you for sharing what you're thinking about and the images you imagine all while still moving us!
Lynn C
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Great energy and a wonderful class. Thank you Amy! Looking forward to your next live! 
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That was a lovely and fun class love the imagery of the circles the heart has also a circular motion so from my heart thank you so much :)
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Thank-you it was what I needed  to get back into,
Samantha A
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Thank you ! Beautiful class, loved thecircular imagery cues. Filled me up with great energy. 
Lina S
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Thank you for this uplifting, flowing, and fun class!
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Thank you for making these available....I wasn’t able to join this live class but so grateful for those which I have been able to attend....
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Alwaysgood to have a class with Amy, enjoyed the spontaneity.
Rajashree Srirangarajan
During roll ups, how do you support your back if you have a high arch back?
31-40 of 151

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