Gait Patterning Exploration<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 5109

Gait Patterning Exploration
Tom McCook
Class 5109

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Paula T, Catherine M,  Thank you!! It's an honor and great pleasure to share what I feel most passionate about through PilatesAnytime!!
1 person likes this.
Fabulous class. I love how you teach us to notice our body movements. So glad to see you again on Pilates Anytime.
Deb R, Thank you and all the best to you!🙏
Excellent class! You’ve helped tie together some of my current studies 
Dena T, Thank you for your inspiring feedback! Good to hear this has helped you connect the dots in your studies!! 
Hi Tom - wont bore you with all the grizzly details of imbalance but loved this - felt strangely weird on one side but perversely great. Felt good to reawaken a rather sleepy movement pattern. Thanks so much - dont have a reformer so unable to do the others but will keep an ey out for more gait - I SHALL definitely be repeating this a few times!
Felt so good!
Sam CKav Maharaj, Thank you and enjoy!
Thank you Tom for this wonderful class and for encouraging us to bring methods together. I also saw some somatic influences! You are such an inspiring teacher, every class a gem!
Silke L , thank you very much ch for your kind and thoughtful feedback!! I appreciate you noticing the integration!😊🙏
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