Ignite Your Core Overball<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5620

Ignite Your Core Overball
Laura Hanlon
Class 5620

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1 person likes this.
Beautiful class
1 person likes this.
Great class Laura! I’ve taken almost all of your mat classes here on pilates anytime and I know with you, I’m doing the damn teaser! Lol but with this class I genuinely felt more engagement in my abdominals to initiate the movement of my legs going into teaser and it was awesome! I totally felt how all the work led up to that moment. Talk about strength baby! Thank you! 
P.s you and your momma are so cute
Straight to favorites! So happy to have a new class from you! Thank you! 
Excellent class with clear instruction!
Mckenzie G
Loved it!! I've been finding a lot of classes arent fulfilling my need for core and this one hit the spot!!
Love the use of the overball in this class…..took this in the morning and been feeling my legs all day!
Love this one Laura! The overball is my favorite prop. Great variations on the traditional work. Thank you!
Rachel W
Wow that felt tough, especially the neck pull prep! Thanks for a great class
Lina S
Great class. I enjoyed the transitions (leg circles to scissors(, some variations (criss cross) and flow as well as the precise cueing.
Wonderful class. So clear with excellent cueing! 
11-20 of 33

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