Deepen your Practice<br>Amy Taylor Alpers<br>Class 759

Deepen your Practice
Amy Taylor Alpers
Class 759

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Kristi and Amy, I want in on the weekly workout :) Anyway to live stream a group video chat for those us that can't be there in person?
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Here's to more Amy and Rachel classes!! Their energy and Pilates teaching style is absolutely wonderful....and TOUGH! Phew! I feel GREAT after doing this class. Thanks Amy and Pilates Anytime.
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I love it! This is the session that I learned with my very first instructor. Classical in order, vocabulary and intention. Great job Kristi and Amy!! You can really see just from the video how your bodies morphed into fluidity and really internalized this deep work. And I really appreciated Amy Taylor Alpers instruction- loved all the cueing to assist with the hamstrings and avoiding hyper extention in the knees. Bravo PA!!
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Wow, that was intense! Great job Amy and Kristi:)
Thank you Erin and Arlene~ I keep saying it, but this workout stays with me! There is something so rich in the translation from Amy's intention to my perception. My experience was quite profound. I'm glad to some extent it shows.
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I'm with you Kristi......this session WAS one of the most profound and transformative for me as well and I too am glad that the changes were visible (to some extent....darn my hyperextended knees!!!) Amy is a true teacher......and I loved being a student for her!
Welcome back Debbie Harris!
Laurel ~ You're absolutely welcome to join us (Sarah Bertucelli is usually there too!). Ted, John and I have talked about streaming live classes ~ we want to do this as an occasional offer and... the priority list of all that we want to accomplish on PA is huge!I can promise you I am doing my best (most days) to chip away at that list. In the meantime, get yourself to Santa Barbara and let's work out!
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@Amy I hyperextend also. Thanks to Amy I do find so much more strength and connection in my core when I can find a little breath of air under my knees and elbows. In taking a private session from Amy at TPC she told me "bent is my straight". I also remember what a martial arts friend of mine told me which is that a locked or overextended joint is a weak joint and where you look to go to for a strike. I really work on allowing my muscles to support the bones rather than the joint and it makes such a difference in movement. I look forward to working out in person with you all in the near future. :)
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I too wish I could have been one of the students in this session. I have heard so much about Amy over the years. Now I see why. Wow! I love the hands on corrections, and amazing cues, and breath work, and images. Crazy Cool. Thanks so much!!!
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Felt like I was back home in Boulder!! Fantastic class as usual Amy! So deep and so good. Always love how you build the heat.:) Hope to see you this summer.
Ann Strazza
21-30 of 78

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