Deepen your Practice<br>Amy Taylor Alpers<br>Class 759

Deepen your Practice
Amy Taylor Alpers
Class 759

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I thought this workout was terrible-way to slow.
Kathy ~ As one of the students in the class and the person who wrote the class description, I must admit your comment has surprised me. I would like to understand so I am more careful in the future. Do you think I described or labeled the class wrong? If so, is it just the pace you don't agree with? Sometimes I mark classes by level or pace in a way that doesn't match a members expectations and that can be jarring I've learned. If you felt there was something "terrible" in Amy's teaching, I'm sure, as a leader in the industry, and someone who checks the forums regularly, she would be interested in what specifically you didn't like so she adjust if she felt necessary. Thank you for your feedback.
Hi Jon! I'm just seeing your comment now and I sure appreciate it. I hope you are still enjoying the site three months later!
Raymond Harris
Great class, I enjoyed it immensely! Thank you
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Loved it Thanks
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This was one of the best classes I have done on PA! I felt like I was right there with you gals. What a treat to have Amy Taylor Alpers teach me in my own home! ;)
Thank you to everyone who has taken my class and for those who took the time to comment as well. I really appreciate it. I'll be back to add more classes in sept. :)
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Such a fabulous class. I got certified through a former student who trained at TPC, so to watch the masters teach reformer first hand on this website is such a great opportunity to gain more insight and knowledge of the classical Pilates Reformer repertoire. Their style of teaching really validates my love for Pilates and bringing this work to others. Very motivating, educational, and invigorating workout.
Thank you such much Lori. I hope you'll consider coming to TPC one of these days. We offer lots of classes, workshops, mentoring and more. :)
1 person likes this.
I absolutely loved this class. It really worked me. I feel long, lean and strong!
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