Member playlists are video lists put together by our members and shared with the community.
Laura P
2 videos
Good stretching or stressing relieving workouts (Created March 02, 2013)
Benjamin J
6 videos
(Created January 16, 2013)
3 videos
(Created January 05, 2013)
Suitable For: Beg/Intermediates looking to challenge themselves
(Created December 30, 2012)
Corinne M
Suitable For: level2
(Created November 01, 2012)
Gina H
4 videos
Classes give me new ideas/images/exercises for my own classes. (Created October 30, 2012)
Suitable For: Intermediate/Advanced
Classes that get me moving and challenge me to work deeper with flow. (Created October 30, 2012)
Classes that I hope will help me release tension patterns, breath more deeply and find more neutral alignment. (Created October 30, 2012)
Anna N
8 videos
Suitable For: pregnant women 1st-2nd-3rd trimester
(Created October 25, 2012)
Michaeldae R
Suitable For: Beginner
Newbie Info (Created October 14, 2012)
Kate T
(Created October 14, 2012)
A collection of over-ball classes with top points in bliss factor. (Created September 12, 2012)
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