Class #5729

Barre/Mat Class

50 min - Class


Join Melissa Connolly for an exhilarating Barre and Mat class that will have you moving, sweating, and connecting with small muscle groups. This dynamic workout combines pulses, full range of motion exercises, and rhythmic movements to create a fun and challenging experience that you're going to love. Put on your favorite playlist and get ready for a high-energy session that will leave you feeling invigorated and accomplished.
What You'll Need: Mat


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Hi. My name is Melissa Connolly, and I am excited to teach to you my bar and Pilates map workout. You ready to work? Let's go. So open up your feet out to the sides into a second position. Bend into your right knee, stretch and lengthen your left arm overhead, right arm reaches down, and we're gonna stretch for 8 to 1 reach 2. And 3, 4 reach 5, 6, 7, and 8 switch sides.

To reach 3, 4, and 5, 6, 7, and 8, switch for 3. 2 and 1 switch for 3, 2, and 1 switch, 2, 1 switch, 2. 1, repeat the 2. 1, switch 2. Go side to side, 8, 7, 6, 5, reach for 3, 2, and 1, Ben. Your knee is reach left and right. Reach straight.

Stretch 4 more, 3, 2, and 1. You're gonna raise your arms up, clear down. Lift up to exhale down, lift up 3, and down, lift up 4, down big pla 5, and down. And 6, down 2 more, 7, down. We're gonna hold our p a. Round the arms and pulse in. Pulse 2, pulse 3, and 4, and 5, and 6, 7 stay here, lift the arms overhead, pulls 12, and 3, and 4, and 5, and 6 and 7 stay here. Open the arms up to the sides.

Pullsworn arms and legs. 2, 3, and 4. 5, 6, 7. Stay here on 8. Keeping your hips steady. Alternate heel raises. Right heel up.

Down switch 2, down switch 3, down switch 4, down switch 56, and 7. Now, let's keep the left, yeah, up, lower the arms, lift them up, pull your left elbow down, hip up 1, stretch, hip up 2. Stretch, exhale 3, and 4, breathe out 5, pull 6, pull 7, and 8. From here, lengthen your legs, heels down. Plea. Let's repeat it all. Lift up. Exhale. 2. Inhale up, 3, lift up, 4, and up, plie, 5, Exale 6, 2 more 7, hold it down on 8, round the arms, pulse it in for 8.

7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, raise your arms. You both sing to you. 3, and 4, 5, 6, 7, open the arms, pulse for 8, 2, pulse, 3, 4, and 5, 6, 7. Now pause here. Alternate heels. Last tail goes up.

Down. Search to down switch 3, down switch 4, try to keep your hips really still, and 6, 2 more, 7. Hold the right heel up. The arms lower. Arms left. Hip up. Pull 1.

And hip right. Left and 3. Pull 4, breathe out 5, and 6, 2 more, 7, and 8, and then straighten your legs. Turn your feet parallel arms stretch out to the sides hinge forward forward forward, your hands go to the ground. Drop your head and stretch for 3 2. 1, take the hands over towards the right leg and gently stretch for 4.

3. 2. 1 and take the hands over to the left leg and stretch for 3. 2. 1, bring your hands into the center.

Let's roll it up. Put one vertebra at a time, and then heel toe your feet in. Bring your feet into a first position. Round your arms. We're gonna step the right leg out to a pla at times.

Here we go. And center, and 2. Center, exhale 3. Breathe out for. Plea 5.

And 6. 2 more, 7. Ratty. Swearch size. Plea 1. Breathe out. 2.

Exhale 3, and 4, plie 5, plie 6, and 7. 8. Now switch again. 4 to the right. Breathe out. 2. And 3.

And 4. And then we switch 4 to left. And 2. And 3. And now we switch 2 to the right and switch and 2 to the left Now, we're gonna go bigger, open the arms, switch legs, too. Arms go up and open, and center, and 4, exhale 5, and 6. And 7.

Woo. One more. And 8. Woo. Cross your arms. Stand nice and tall in first position. Plea, exhale stretch.

Breathe out to catching your breath. Exhale. 3. Squeeze your legs. Squeeze your glutes. 4, exhale.

5, squeeze 6, 2 more 7. Now stay here nice and tall. Bring your hands behind your head. Rise up onto your toes. And lower lengthen up through the crown of the head.

Breathe out. Exhale. 4. Exhale 5. Keep tightening your seat. Squeeze those glutes 7.

Raise up. 8. 2 more. 9. And then we're gonna hold it up. Bring your heels together. Bring the arms in front.

Bend your knees. Stay here. Pulse 8, 7, 6, 5, pulse, 43, To pause here to turn your palms forward to a pelvic tac, press 1. Push forward abs pull into exhale 3. And press 4. Tuck squeezing glutes 5.

And 6. 2 more. 7. And 8 come back to straight, open the arms, your knees to vent, and sway right, sway left, hips, right, and left, and 5, and 6, and 7. 8, circle the hips four times the right one. Circle 2, circle 3, and four times to the left.

Circle 1. Circle 2. Circle 3. And 4. From here, your heels lift your eyes up. Lower the heels.

Tuck your chin. We're gonna round forward forward forward. Hands go to the ground. Inhale, bend the knees, exhale straighten your legs, and roll up, up, up, and up, and he'll look up. Raise your arms.

Tuck the chin x around forward. Hands to the ground, inhale, bend the knees, exhale straighten the legs, and roll it up and up. And up last time inhale. Look up. Tuck your chin, exhale round forward.

Hands to the ground, inhale, bend the knees, exhale stretch, and roll up, roll up roll up and stand tall. Swing your heels apart, we're moving into a squat chair pose. So feet parallel, reach your arms or sit down. Exhale. Stand. Go down, tighten your thighs, tighten your core to Read in, exhale 3.

Read in, exhale 4. Down, squeeze up 5, exhale 6, 2 more, 7. Now hold it down on 8. Cross your arms, pulse down 87, 65, pulse, 43, to one end come up to standing. Raise the right heel up.

Do the same thing. You squat down, reach forward, exhale sand. And 2, exhale stand, 3, exhale stand, and 4, lift up. And 5. Lift up.

And 6. Lift up. 2 more. Exce. Let's hold it down on 8. Cross the arms.

Pulls 1. Pulls 2. Pulls 3. Pulls 4. Pulse 5, 6, 7, 8, stand. Keep the right heel lifted. Bring your right foot next to your left, open the arms, and lift the leg. Flex your foot, extend the leg out in front, point your toes, bring it in.

Exhale 2, and and reach out 3, and end stretch leg 4. In exhale, 56. 2 more, 7. Hold the leg out, point your toes, lift your arms, pulse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, bend the knee, and place it down. Give it a quick little shake out.

Feedback to parallel hip distance. Repeat it all from chair. Squat down, exhale up, 2 exhale up, 3, and lift. 4 exhale up, 5 squeeze your thighs, 6 squeeze your glutes, 7 for your abs and and hold it on 8. Cross the arms, pulse 1, pulse 2, pulse 3. Pulse 4, and 5, 6, 7, 8. Let's come back to standing.

The left heel this time raises your chair pose, squat exhale up, 2 exhale up, 3 breathe out, 4 exhale, 5, pull up, 6 exhale, Two more. And now let's hold it down. Arms cross. We pull this one. And 2, checking your knee is nice and straight, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Let's come back up. Alright.

Open the arms. Working on your balance. Take the left leg up to a passe, flex the foot, extend it forward, point the toes, and bend. Exhale to Bend, exhale 3, bend, exhale 4, bend, exhale 5, and reach 6, 2 more, 7. Hold the leg out.

Arms go up. And point the toes, pulse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, bend the knee and place the foot down, give it a quick little shake out, and then bring your feet back down, hip distance apart. Gonna do a little prance, raise your heels up and lower one heel and switch and switch and switch the arms go front. And up, and side, and down, arms, front, and up, and side, and down 2 more times through. Up, side, down last time, front and up, and side, and down.

Turn to the side from here, take your right leg behind you, standing nice and upright, you have your shoulders stacked over your hips, back as long and straight, come down into a lunge. Bring your elbows in line with your shoulders. And then as you straighten your legs, open the arms, exhale on. July 2. And, lunge, 3. Lunge breathe out.

Exhale. Open 5. Down lift, 6. Down 2 more like this, 7, and 8. Go down into your lunge. Open the arms out.

Rotate them down. Take the right leg up and push your hands forward. Per us and lunch. Per us and lunch. 3, Breathe out.

Exhale. 5. Press up 6. Press up 7. Last one, 8, told it down, pivot your arms, elbows wide, Your knee raises arms press overhead lift 1, lunge lift 2, lunge lift 3, Breathe out.

Exale 5, press up 6, press up 7, press up 8. Go back to your lunge. Now, arms down, straighten your legs out. Bend your left knee. Turn the palms of your hands down. We're gonna pitch our body forward. Keep a real straight long line, point your right toes, lift the leg. Tap it down.

Does not have to lift high. Exhale. Lift. 3. Keep that leg long and straight. 4. Lift up 5, lift up 6, lift up 7, Now hold the leg up on 8 pulse. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. Go down into your lunge and step your feet together.

That right leg is forward. The left leg goes back. We're gonna heat it all on the other side. So keeping your spine straight, pull your abs in and up, come right down into your lunge position. Hubble is in line with your shoulders.

You're ready. Here we go. Exhale up, down. Exhale to. And open the arms, 3, lift up 4, breathe out 5, and 6, And 7, last one, hold your lunge down. Arms open. Rotate down. Push the hands forward.

Tap the left foot forward, lunge down, exhale 2, and down, exhale 3, press up 4, Breathe out 5. Press 6. Press 7. And a, go back into your lunge, rotate the arms. Arms are gonna press overhead, left knee raises, exhale up.

Lunge down, exhale up, lunge down, lift 3, lunge down, lift 4, down, lift 5, down, lift 6, down, lift 7, down, lift, 8, hold it down, straighten the legs, bend your right knee, pitch your body forward, long line head to toes, palms face the floor, raise the left leg, tap it down, lift, down. Lift 3. Down. Squeeze 4. Exhale. 5.

And 6. 2 more, 7. Now hold it. Hold it. Pulse. 123.

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, go back down to your lunge, lunge, and take that left leg up. Shake it out, face back to the center. We're gonna just step it out, tap, and per reach 3. For reach, 5, 6, 2 more, 7. Both arms up, 1, and 2, and 3, For reach, 5, 6, 7.

Reach your arms across your chest. Twist. 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, go with one arm, reach the left across right across twist. Reach 5, 6, 7, and 8. Twist the right. Bend your knees and twist.

And twist. Pull your left rib cage back as you twist. 4, 3, 2, one reach your arms up, pull the left knee up for 87, 65, 43, 2. 1 from here, right hand to your waist, stretch to the side. Another little balance y one. You're gonna pull your elbow down Raise your knee, exhale side bend.

Reach. Side Bend. Reach. 3. Breathe out.

4. Exhale 56. 2 more 7. 8 stretch stretch. We're gonna do everything to the other side.

Here we go. Step and tap. 1, 2, tap. 3, for reach up 5, 6, 7. Both arms up 1, and 2, 3, and 4, 5, 6, 7, reach across your chest per rest. To push your hands away, step, tap, tough. We'll go one arm, reach the right arm across left, 3, 4 across 5, 6, 7, 8. Now twist, a laugh, twist, rotate 2. 3. Squeeze your core. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, reach your arms up, pull the knee up, 1, 2, 3, 45678 reach, slow it down. Your left hand goes to your waist, your right arm reaches on your balance, and pulled in the upper one.

Read out. Exale. And working your obliques. Exale 5. Pull 6.

2 more 7, and 8 stretch. Bring your feet about hip distance apart. Lift both of the arms up. Gonna let it swing. So release swing, swing, and up, and swing, swing, and up.

Exhale. Add any raise. You're gonna swing her right knee up and swing her left knee up. And swing. Alright. Knee up.

Last time. See you, and march. So pull. Pull. 3. 4, 5, 6, use your core, stand tall, 8 more, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, lift it up.

Take the legs out to second position. Arms to reach out wide. Come down into a pli. Knees tracking over your middle toes. Arms will reach long.

Pull your elbows into the rib cage, reach out arms down. Breathe out. Exhale 3. Exhale 4. Reach out 5.

Energy through your arm 6, reach out 7, stay here. The right elbow goes in, palm down 1. In exhale 2. In exhale 3, add a rib. So you're gonna pull the rib in and out. 2, and 3, 4 from here. Come back to the center. Left elbow goes in. Stretch it out. To stretch out. 3, and reach. 4, we're gonna add a rib.

Hold the rib in and out, rib in and out to you more. Now, from here, go side to side with the ribs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, at the arms, they lift, 2, 3, 4, and lower. 2, 3, 1 more time. 2, 3, 4, and down. 2, 3, 4, straighten your legs, toe, heel, your feet in, and come to the back of your mat. Feet parallel hip distance apart, standing nice and straight, take a shoulder roll back, inhale lift up, Exhale robe back, lift up, exhale robe back, lift up, Exhale roll back chin down to your chest. Round your spine forward. The hands go to the mat.

Walk your body out to an all fours position. Hands directly under your shoulders, knees directly under your hips, take a breath in where you are. Exale. Curl the tailbone under round the lower back, the middle back. The shoulders chin to your chest. And now lift the tailbone roll lower back, middle back, shoulders raise your head, exhale round lower back, middle back, shoulders, drop your head.

Lift the tailbone roll lower. Middle shoulders. Had last time cat stretch around your back. Scoop your abs in. Lift the tailbone roll it out.

And arch, then come to a nice straight flat back. Press your shoulders down. Take the right leg straight behind you. That leg is long with the hands supported on the mat. I slit your leg.

Squeeze lift 1. And down. Squeeze lift too. And down. XL 3. Down.

Lift 4. Down. Now hold the leg long and straight. Reach your left arm forward in opposition. Tap the fingers and toes down, exhale 1. Down, exhale 2.

Down, exhale 3, lower, lift 4. Now hold it up on number 5. Bend your elbow. Bend your knee. Round your back. Exhale, pull it in, inhale, extend, round pull 2, extend, nose to knee, 3, and stretch, exhale 4, and stretch, exhale 5.

And hold the stretch for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Your knee and your hand go down. Extend the left leg back toes on the floor, tighten your glutes, and lift it up. Squeeze 1, and down. Exhale. 2. Down.

Lift up 3. Down. Exhale. 4. Down. Let's hold the leg up on 5. Preach your right arm forward.

Fingers and toes tap the mat, and they raise one down. Hurryse too. Down. Lift 3. Down.

Lift 4. And then we hold it up on number 5. Bend your elbow. Bend your knee at hail round it in, inhale extend, exhale round, and stretch. Exhale 3, and stretch, exhale 4, and stretch. 1 more.

Hold it out for 54, 321. Now place the ball of the foot down onto the mat come down to your forearms and extend the other leg straight back. We're in a nice forearm, strong plank position. So lengthen your body out from your head. Press your shoulders down.

If you have that length of your back, squeeze into your glutes and push your heels behind you. Hold it strong for 4, 3, 2, One now, lightly tap your knees down to the mat. Pivot onto your right forearm. Your right knee is down. Your left leg is straight, and extend your left arm straight up. The right knee can either remain down or to make it even more challenging.

Take those legs out to straight. Strat your left arm overhead and reach. Lower your hip, lower the arm down, exhale reach over for 4, and down, exhale 3. And down, exhale to, and down, and reach. Take your left arm to the ceiling and lift your leg up for 4.

Down lift 3, down lift 2, down hold it up. Stay for 4, 3, 2, One, take that leg down and then pivot on to both forearms back to your center plank. Hold it here nice and straight from your head, your shoulders, your hips, your heels, pulling your abs in for 4, 3. 2. 1, again, the knees come down to the mat, pivot onto your left forearm and straighten your right arm and leg.

That left shoulder presses down for stability. The left leg can either stay on the mat or, again, extra challenge. It is straight. Reach the right arm overhead because that long line fingertips to the heels and lower the hip, lower the arm, exhale lift up for 4. Inhale lower, exhale lift up 3. Inhale lower, exhale 2.

Last one. And lift, take your right arm straight up to the ceiling, raise your right leg up four times one. Try to keep the leg parallel to. The foot is flex 3. And I'm gonna hold it for 4, 3. 2, 1, lower the leg, pivot back to your center plank, and hold it for an extra count of 8.

102. And 3, and 4. Keep your head up. 5, shoulders down. 6, abs tight, 7, and 8. Put your knees down. Press back to your heels. Just take a deep breath into your nose. Take a big exhale through your mouth. And then roll yourself up to seated.

Alright. Pivot around facing one side of your mat. Bend your knees, reach your arms up and forward, and then roll yourself down one vertebrae at a time. Arms are down by your sides. Length in your body. Bend your knees up. Keels together, toes apart, knees are open. Take a deep breath and exhale curl your chest up energy through the fingertips.

Let's keep the legs in a diamond for the first 3 pumps of the hundreds. Here we go. Breathe in 2, 3, 4, 5, exhale. 2, 3, 4, 5, breathe in. 2, 3, 4, 5. Squeeze your heels together. 2, 3, 4, 5. Exale. 2, 3, 4, 5 straight. Now, your legs. 2, 3, 4, 5, exhale. 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, exhale, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 to 3, 4, 5, exhale. 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5, exhale. 2, 3, 4, 59, 2, 3, 4, 5, exhale.

2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, exhale 2, 3, 4, and 5 stay where you are. Bend the knees hold the back of your legs, rock up to seated. Your feet go down parallel hip distance, stretch your arms up into a high diagonal, and then see curve, roll back hands are in line with your knees to your chin. Exhale. Roll up nice and tall.

Exhale. Scoop your abs and roll back. Breathe in. Exhale, roll forward, lift, tall. Exhale, roll back 3. And breathe out and lift straighten your left leg forward.

Bend your right knee and lace the fingers behind your thigh. We got really tall. Both of your feet are pointed. We're gonna do a single leg rolled out. So scoop your stem again and roll lower back, roll middle back, roll shoulders and head straighten the right leg.

Bend the right knee. Pick up your head. Exhale. Sit up nice and tall. 2 more. Exhale.

Roll down through your backs. Head touches the math. Our right leg goes to straight. Bend the knee, pick up your head, exhale roll up. And one more time, exh sail roll down.

And the leg straightens. From here, pick your hat up, climb. I'm sure you walk up the leg. 1, Walk up the leg 2, walk up the leg 3, walk down 1, down 2, 3, 2 more, exhale up and up. And stretch, walk down 1, and 2, and 3, pick up your head, walk up the leg, walk up the leg, and stretch walk down the leg down and down. Bring your right leg in line with your hip. Turn your leg out.

Press your hands into the mat. Hips nice and square, 5 like circles, take it across, down, around, and center. Inhale, exhale to Inhale, exhale 3, inhale, exhale 4, inhale, exhale 5, reverse breathe in, exhale 1, in exhale 2, in exhale 3, exhale 4, And 5, bend your right knee, lace the fingers behind the thigh, pick up the head, and roll upper back, middle back, lower back, sit tall, take the right leg straight down on the mat, the left leg raises, 3 single leg rollbacks here. Here we go. Scoop your abs and rolling nice and flexible through your back. Straight on the leg up.

Bend the knee. Head raises as we roll upper, middle, lower, and lift. Exhale, roll down through your spine. Her down, straight in the leg, bend the knee, exhale, roll up, and lift straight. Last time, rolling down one vertebrae at a time, head touches the mat.

We straighten the leg. From here, pick up your head. Walk up. 1, walk up. 2, stretch on 3. Lock down 1 and 2. Head down 3.

Walk up 1 and 2. Stretch 3. Down 1 and 2 and 3, exhale up and 2 and 3, walk down. Down, down, take your left leg in line with your hip, turn the leg out. Arms are down by your sides. Hips are square. The leg goes across down around center, inhale, sweep it up too.

Across exhale 3. Across x, sail 4. One more and reverse. Breathe in. Breathe out. 1. Breathe in.

Breathe out. 2. Inhale, exhale 3, exhale 4, exhale 5. The last knee bands, hang fingers behind the thigh, roll up, roll up, roll up, keep your left leg lifted, raise a right leg up. From here, bring your heels down, hand stay to the back of your thighs, transitioning into rolling like a ball, tuck your chin, scoop your abs, roll back three times inhale to the shoulder blades, exhale balance, inhale to the shoulder blades, exhale balance. Inhale 3, and then pause here. Take your elbows on top of your knees. Palms are in. Roll back three times. Inhale.

Exhale balance. Inhale. Exhale. 2. 1 more. And exhale 3.

Feet down. Arms reach up. Roll down. Lower back, middle back, shoulders stretch your arms back overheads. Bring your knees to tabletop, reach your arms down, and curl your chest up. Hugging the right knee into your chest, stretch your left leg long.

And then we're gonna switch, hug the left knee and stretch your right leg long. And pick up the pace, single leg stretch, breathing in, and in exhale to breathe in 3 exhale, 4 breathe in 5 exhale, 6 breathe, 7 exhale, 8, breathe, and 9 exhale. 10. Now hold your shins. Pull your nose towards your knees come into this nice tight round ball, double leg stretch. Reach your arms and legs away from the center.

Pull it in 1. Inhale out, squeeze it in 2, stretch out, pull in 3. Breathe in, exhale 4. Stretch, pull, and 5. Exhale. 6. Reach Scoop 7, reach pull 8, 2 more pull 9, and hold it in on 10. The hands go to the back of the legs, rock up to seated.

Take the legs out to the inside edge of your mat, sit nice and tall for spine stretch. Your arms are reaching forward. Palms are down. Feet are flexed. Breathe and raise your arms up up, up, look up, get nice and tall and long, exhale, push your arms down, round your back. Keep this scoop in your stomach as you round forward and stretch 1 for there.

2, 3. Roll up. Lift the arms. Look up. Exale, push the arms down. Like, you're pushing on something heavy. Tuck your chin, scoop your abs, stretch 1. Pull your stomach back 2.

And 3 roll up, lift the arms. Last time, push down. Round forward, exhale 1, stomach pulls back to 3, and then roll up. Lift the arms. Open them out to the sides.

Bend your knees and grab your ankles. Alright. From here, moving into the open leg rocker, stretch your legs out as much as they go, and then roll the spine back to the shoulder blades. Roll it up, lift, and balance. 2 more like this.

Exhale back. Roll up. Lift and balance. 1 more exhale back, roll up, and balance. Now try to bring your legs together and do 3 more. Exhale back, roll up, lift, and balance.

Exhale back, roll up, lift, and balance. 1 more roll back. Roll up and balance. Hold a teaser position. Reach forward. Keep your legs there.

We're gonna roll down the arms, go down to your sides. The legs lift straight up in line with your hips. We go into a rollover. Lift your hips up. Ex your legs go overheads.

Separate your feet, hip distance, flex your feet. Roll down, upper back, middle back, lower back, Talable and point your toes, legs come together 2 more. Exhale up and overhut. Separate the feet, full x, roll down upper, roll down middle, roll down lower, Talable and point your toes, legs together. Last one. Exhale. Over.

Open. Flex and rule through the upper, the middle, the lower, the tailbone legs come together. Raise your arms up to the ceiling. We're gonna take 3 teasers, pick up your head, exhale roll up to a teaser. If you can, keep your legs straight. Otherwise, bend them as you roll down and reach the arms back.

Inhale. Arms lift, head lifts. Exhale. Roll up to the teaser. And then roll down the arms reach back. Last one, arms lift. Head up.

Exhale. Hold your last teaser. Take the arms out to the sides. Bring your hands behind you for hip circles. The legs go over to the right, left hip is up, circle down, and center. Legs over to the left, right hip is up, circle down around center.

Breathe in and exhale up. Breathe in and exhale up One more on each side, right, down around, left center, and left, down around, right center, reach up back to your teaser, Bend your knees. Roll down. Roll down. Give it a little break. So let's hug those knees into the chest. From here, your feet go down onto the mat.

Alright. Some bridging will feel good. So you have your toes, your heels, your knees, your hips, your shoulders, all stacked in alignment, neck is long, push into your feet, tuck your tailbone under, tighten up the glutes, and roll your hips up one vertebrae at a time. Lift the arms up. Reach the arms back. The back of the hands touches the ground behind you and roll down really fluid, really flexible for your spine.

And lower the arms down. Exhale roll your hips up into the bridge. Inhale stretch the arms back overheads. Exhale. Roll your spine all the way down.

And lower the arms down to the sides. Exhale one more. Roll it up one vertebrae at a time. Lift the arms up, bring them behind you. And on this last roll down, feel that opposition.

Your fingers are reaching back. Your cable is reaching away, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, and bring the arms down to your sides. From here, the right leg raises into a tabletop position. Left foot pushes into the mat squeezing your left glute hamstring, pull your abs in, and then single leg bridge. We press the hips up and down.

Press 2 and down. Press 3. Two more, exhale for. Now, hold your hips lifted, straighten your right leg to the ceiling, flex the right foot. That leg goes straight down, and it points, it lifts up. When you lower your thighs or line with each other, lift to. Hips are square.

Lift 3. Breathe in. Breathe out 4. And then hold your leg up on 5. Roll down for your spine. Keep your right leg straight up to the ceiling.

Curl your chest up. Reach your fingers forward. From here, reach up for your calf and extend the left leg long. We move into the scissors ten times. Pull the right leg in. It'll pull one pull 2, switch one pull 2, breathe in, out 3, inhale exhale 4, inhale, exhale 5, pull, pull 6, pull, pull 7, pull, pull 8, pull. Pull. 9 last one.

10 bend your knees and your chest goes down. Place your feet down. To the mat. The left leg raises into a tabletop position, tighten your hamstring, tighten your boot, feel that your right foot is pushing down through the floor, press your hips up and down press 2 and down press 3. And press 4.

And down. Now hold it up on 5. Left leg straight up to the ceiling. Flex the foot. Inhale down, exhale lift. Flex the foot.

3, exhale. 4, exhale. 5, keep that leg long, roll it down, upper back, middle back, lower back, tailbone, leg stays up. Reach the arm sore curl up, and then take your hands behind your head. Reach your right leg to join your left.

Lower the legs down to your point of control. Scoop your abs. Lift that five times. Lower the legs. Sail raised legs. Inhale. 3.

Exhale. Left, down 4 deep scoop. And lift and 5. And lift now. Bend your knees. Extend the right leg to straight.

Stay there. Squeeze your quads, squeeze your glute, pull your belly down to the spine, rotate right elbow touches the knee for 3, 2, One come back to the center. Stretch your left leg long. Stay there. Squeeze your quads. Squeeze your glute. Pull your abs in.

And twist left elbow touches the knee for 3, 2, 1, come back to the center. Let's pick up that pace for the Chris Grass. Here we go. Read in. Breathe in. Breathe out. 2, breathe in.

3 exhale. 4, breathe in. 5 exhale, 6 inhale, 7 exhale, 8, 2, more. And exhale, 10, bend your knees, hug your legs into your chest. Grab the back of your thighs, rock up to seated.

Okay. Turn onto your right side. Hips are gonna line up to the back of the mat. Stretch this right arm down along the back of the mat, rest your ear to your arm, and then take both of your legs to the front edge of your mat. Let's do the sideline series and then turn out. So heels together toes apart.

Use your left hand. Now, lengthen your left leg so it naturally gives your, waist a lift and then hover the leg up off of the bottom leg. We sweep the leg forward, breathe in, Exale reach the leg back. Inhale. Sweep. Exhale. Reach 6 times.

3 exhale reach, keeping your left hip stacked on top of your right hip for 2 more. Exhale 5. And exhale 6. Go into a leg circle, a big circle. Go forward up around 1. And forward up around 2. And forward, rotate 3. Still trying to keep your hips square.

Rotate for and circle 5 and circle 6. Let's reverse. Take that leg back. Circle around 1. Back circle around 2, back rotate around 3, back circle 4, back Circle 5, one more, and 6 heels together toes apart. Kick the leg up. Kick it up. Lift flex in lower letter release, 2. Exhale down, release 3.

Control it down, release 4. And down 2 more, 5, down, 6, and down. Last thing. Slide the foot to the knee. Stretch up flex and lower.

2 more. Just 3. Extend, flex and lower. Slide to the knee. Extend. Now, we're gonna reverse.

The foot is flex. Your raise leg up. Point the foot lower it down. Slide down the leg. Flex point slide down. One more lift.

Bend slide down. Push into your left hand, lift yourself up. Bend your knees. The right leg is forward. The left leg is back. Open the arms straight out to the sides.

And then lift up and over mermaid side stretch, pulse 1, pulse 2, pulse 3, open the arms straight out to your sides, place a right hand to the mat look up at your left hand, thread the needle, exhale thread one. Inhale. Look up. Exhale. Threat the needle too. Inhale.

Look up. One more time. Thread the needle 3, and up, then open the arms out to your sides, place the hands down, swing your legs over to the other side. Alright. Side 2. So hips to the back of the mat. Stretch that left leg all the way out. And then take the feet to the front edge of your mat, heels are together, toes are apart.

Link in your right leg longer than your left leg. And then from here, the heels, you're rotated. You sweep the leg forward and it turn out and then reach the leg back. Make the range of motion only as big as you remain stable. Inhale. Exhale.

3. Inhale, exhale for inhale, exhale 5. One more. And 6 into the leg circles go forward up around 1 and forward up around forward up around 3. Forward up around 4.

Forward up around 5. And 6 reverse, take the leg back, circle forward, back, and circle forward. 3, control it forward. 4, exhale forward. 5, and forward last one and bring your heels together toes right. This one, you can let go a little bit.

Just kick it up there up Flex controller down, can you get up to? And down let it release 3. Down, kick get up 4. Down lift it up 5, down 6, and then control it again with a develop pace, slide the foot to the knee, stretch the ceiling, flex lower down. Slide to the knee, stretch the ceiling, flex down. And 3, extend reverse. The leg goes up.

Bend the knee slide the foot down. Lift up. Bend the knee. Slide the foot down one more time. Lift, bend, and slide the leg down. Push into your right hand, bend your left knee forward, right leg back, open the arms, and stretch 1, mermaid side stretch 2, 3 stretch your arms out wide, take the left hand down, reach and look up at the right hand, thread the needle at exhale thread. Inhale. Look up. Exhale.

Threat. Inhale look up. Exhale. Threat. Inhale. Look up and then open the arms.

And now place your hands down, come back to an all four is position. You're on your hands. And your knee is coming to a nice straight, long flat back. Tuck your toes underneath you and send your hips Relax your head down, shake out your head, lift your heels up nice and high, and just do a little prance, one heel down, another heel high for 8 and 7 and 6. And 5.

Stretch for 3, 2, One lift the heels nice and high. Press your heels down. Walk your hands back to your feet hold the back of your ankles, pull yourself into that last stretch. Bend the knees and nice and slow. Roll up knees are bent, rolling up through your spine, lower back.

Middle back, shoulders, and head. And just to finish up your class, take a deep breath into your nose. Breathe all the good energy out, and we are finished. Thank you for joining.


2 people like this.
Loved this very thorough and beaufifully executed class Melissa.  Thank you.   You are amazing.  
Shona Croft
THANKYOU what a fab fun workout!!!! Going in my favourites basket Melissa x
2 people like this.
A FANTASTIC class, Melissa. I can see the Martha Graham influence in the way you move.  This is the first time I've been able to do a single-leg bridge without my left hamstring cramping up. It's a tough class but one I shall return to frequently.  How you keep talking while you do difficult exercises is impressive, Ray :)
Fabulous class Melissa, energetic and fun, thanks so much for making my day 
1 person likes this.
You never disappoint! Your cues are are so clear and I feel every muscle. You make it look so easy LOL. Thank you Melissa!!
Melissa Connolly Was that really 50 minutes?! It went by so fast!
Thank you for your clear cues, your effervescence, and of course for sharing your knowledge of both Pilates and dance with all of us. 
Anne M
Love, love, love this class!!! Thank you so much, Melissa. 
Lina S
Great class! I've enjoyed the standing ballet-inspired section of the workout.
Wow, nice complete class.  Great exercise selection & sequencing.  Really did feel those small muscle groups needed in the standing lunge series!
Thanks Melissa- great to have new classes from you! Always a great challenge. The mat work felt great after the barre exercises. Nice way to kick off the week!!
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